Title: Blue Bayou
themegalosaurusRating: PG
Word Count or Media: digital art
Warnings: slight blood, creepiness, make-believe mosquito bites
Author's Notes: HOLY CRAP. I just noticed you requested fic. I am SO SO SORRY! Totally my bad. I OWE YOU A FIC IN THE NEAR FUTURE, DARLING GIFTEE! (I can't believe I boofed this up. I need my Fandom Challenge card revoked. I swear. Please, pardon my dumb-assedness.)
Summary: This prompt -- "A casefic in the bayou: swampy, sweaty and hot, maybe some alligators, some voodoo, some hurt/comfort if that takes your fancy (I'm a sucker for hurt!Sam but heroic Sam is also always a pleasure)."