Title: The first time is never the best
Recipient: tyrsibs
Rating: PG
Word Count or Media: Digital art
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: My dear recipient, I had a hard time choosing one of your prompts, as each one of them made my imagination flow (and that hadn't happened in a while, so I thank you). I hope you enjoy my interpretation of your prompt! I'm not sure if this is what you were expecting, but I had a great time drawing it! Please enjoy, and happy summer!
Summary: Little Sammy is impatient to prove to Dad he's fit for hunting. Since Dad won't let him join them, he asks Dean to take him out in the field. Sammy is so eager that he even lets Dean pick the hunt. It doesn't matter, as long as he isn's left behind anymore. After days of pestering, Dean decides to take him to what he believes being a harmless tourist trap.
"...it doesn't look like a real hunt to me", Sammy points out, looking doubtful.
"Dude, it's right on the brochure. Guided tours, gift shop - castle ghost. What do you want more?!"
Dean doesn't expect to be so specturarly wrong!
Based on prompt 2: "Dude, it's right on the brochure. Guided tours, gift shop - castle ghost."
(Click to enlarge)