ART previews - SPN part 1 of 2

Sep 21, 2017 18:09

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ART previews - SPN part 1 of 2

Title: Captured
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: M or R, depending on which scale you use!
Pairing or Gen: Gen or if slash, destiel please.
Characters: Dean, Castiel in captivity. Sam in a rescuing/comforting role. Strong elements of hurt/comfort are welcome, but please no deathfic.
Warnings: Scenes of torture.
Short description of art: Art shows Dean and Castiel in captivity in a scene of torture and distress.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: What Have You Done?
Rating of Art: R
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: It can be either a pairing/shipped fic or not, but I see a pairing.
Characters: Sam and Dean in the art. Excluding no one.
Warnings: Hints of graphic violence.
Short description of art: What has Sam's soulless counterpart done? Can Dean find a way to repair the damage?
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes.

Title: Hold On
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R for violence; M for any sexual content.
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Dean or Gen.
Characters: Sam and Dean and OCs if the author wants to write a casefic.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Sam slipping from or clinging to the edge of cliff. It could be during a case or even downtime between It could be something that happened already and the story about the aftermath or a vision or I am sure an author can think of more scenarios than I can, I honestly did not have anything particular in mind, just the panic and adrenalin rush you get when you feel like you're about to fall. As long as Sam and Dean are their usual capable clever and caring selves. I would prefer no permanent disabilities and definitely no death for either of the boys.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Things change...but that doesn't mean it's different
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Can be GEN, don't care/ no Destiel/ prefer sex not be a main theme of the story, established relationship ok. Love curtain fic. No death fic please. Turn yourself on.
Characters: Dean
Warnings: Permanent Injury
Short description of art: Dean's seriously injured in art, is he okay with it? What about Sam? Does it even matter for the story?
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes

Title: Permanent mark
Rating of Art: General
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Mature but please no graphic smut (implied smut if fantastic) or violence
Pairing or Gen: Destiel, don't care what side pairings if any
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, you can add anyone you like
Warnings: Art includes tattoo subject matter but other than that no underage subjects, no violence
Short description of art: At some point in canon divergent story, Dean got a tattoo of Cas' handprint where his old mark use to be, along with "Cas" in Enochian. Cas sees it one day and......
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes if given enough time between reading and posting date.

Title: Flooded
Rating of Art: PG13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: any
Pairing or Gen: gen, or Dean/Castiel
Characters: teenage Dean, and Castiel
Warnings: -
Short description of art: The art shows a teenage Dean, who is entirely composed out of water, with Castiel walking away towards a cityscape on fire
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes

Title: Feed Your Body, Feed Your Mind
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas or gen
Characters: Dean and Cas implied, and I'd prefer for Sam to be included, too
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Castiel Novak's bookstore has been in his family for generations now. Sadly, lately the business hasn't been booming, with the rise of internet and Kindle. So Castiel had to rent out a part of the building. Enter Dean Winchester who quit his family business to pursue his dream of opening a pie shop. Personalities clash, pie is made, books are read!
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: The North Remembers
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas
Characters: Castiel (No exemptions, put whoever you like in it!)
Warnings: No warnings!
Short description of art: Game of Thrones or similar AU! Cas has an eagle pommel sword, do with that as you will! Horses! Ice zombies! Dragons! Kings! Lots and lots of fur.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes!

Title: pour whiskey on his grave
Rating of Art: GEN
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: MA
Pairing or Gen: if pairing, deancas, saileen,
Characters: dean and a shadowy person on the horizon he doesn't notice watching him (it's Cas)
Warnings: character death (leave it to the writer to choose)
Short description of art: Dean was asked to come to the funeral, (who sends an invite to a funeral?) Also a request to pour whiskey on the grave and have one last drink with the dearly departed, they are paying him too, so why not?
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Muse
Rating of Art: General audience
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Destiel or Gen
Characters: Dean and Castiel is shown in the piece, other characters are up to the writer
Warnings: None
Short description of art: A musician and his muse
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes (if time permits)

Title: Aching Bones
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: light R
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Bela, and/or canon pairings, or gen
Characters: Dean, Bela. Preferably alone or with Sam. But can totally include Cas, Bobby, John, Gabriel, Rufus, Jo, Charlie, Rowena, Benny - basically anyone, as long as Dean or Bela are heavily the focus. (No Crowley, Lucifer, Dick Roman, Metatron - unless used sparingly/as the villain).
Warnings: one dirty human skull in the foreground
Short description of art: Dean and Bela stand in an apocalyptic wasteland - in an abandoned subway station, filthy and broken and overgrown. They're battle worn, battle weary, wielding weapons and on the lookout for enemies. He's pointing at something or reaching for her. And between them: something soft, lost, ached for, something past or present...
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Probably, yes!

Title: all our eyes light like flames
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: light R
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Bela, or gen
Characters: Dean, Bela. Can include Sam, Cas, Bobby. (Cameos by basically anyone welcome, except Metatron or Cole.)
Warnings: slight blood, creepy imagery
Short description of art: On the left is Demon!Bela, who came topside and found her way to Dean, Knight of Hell, depicted on the right. But something's wrong - they're bleeding, or cracking, coming apart at the seams, or... fighting too hard or maybe not fighting hard enough against forces at work - themselves, or something far worse. In the center, are three scenes, showing Dean and Bela sans demon eyes: Dean smirks at Bela who does not look impressed (the snark and sass between them is plentiful). Second, Bela ventures down a dark hallway, scared and heart pounding and anxious, holding a candle. Third, Dean staggers back, exhausted and bloodied from a fight. Forces collide to save two souls that don't believe they're worth saving. And somewhere, a storm is brewing...
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Likely yes."

Title: You've Come
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Dean/Castiel
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Any really
Warnings: No warnings for illustration
Short description of art: Dean is found by Castiel.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Ensnared
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: gen is cool but Wincest or Dean/Sam/Benny as a unit is preferred pairing-wise.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Benny
Warnings: implied blood drinking, bite injury (on Sam's neck)
Short description of art: Dean is the least affected by the brambles, a sly vine with thorns like fangs is creeping around Sam's neck while Benny is slowly being engulfed in leaves.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Plaid Optional
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R (for blood or violence for instance, no erotica, please)
Pairing or Gen: GEN
Characters: Art features Mary Winchester, Jody Mills and Donna Hanscum in the style of Charlie's Angels, but I imagine them in the SPN universe (see the anti-possesion logo in the background:) Sam & Dean could be there as kids, teens or grown ass men and other characters are cool too, but the ladies in the spotlight please.
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Mary, Jody and Donna are a team of demon hunters. Maybe they need to rescue Dean & Sam or maybe Mary never died and the boys grew up with these ladies as the only type of hunters in the world... ooh maybe John, Sam and Dean are Men of Letters that guide the cases? SO MANY OPTIONS: funny, scary or gory monster of the week?
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Dammit, Gabriel!
Rating of Art: M
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Anything
Pairing or Gen: Sabriel (Sam and Gabriel)
Characters: Sam Winchester and Archangel Gabriel
Warnings: No warning other than a naked Sam booty
Short description of art: Gabriel took Sam to the Library of Alexandria and then decided he wanted to have some naked fun and snapped Sam’s clothes away
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: When Heaven and Hell Meet
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Crowley/Castiel
Characters: Art has Crowley and Castiel. I've only seen show through season 11. No traditional "side characters" (like Jody or Charley, etc.). Doesn't have to include Sam or Dean, but it definitely can.
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Crowley falls for his own Falling Angel... what if the feeling is mutual
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Small Tales
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: E
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Dean doesn’t care if it’s Gabriel, witches or a Disney curse: being small enough to use mushrooms as umbrellas is not as much fun as one would think.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes, if I’m feeling inspired and provided there’s time

Title: Written across our skin
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Gadreel
Characters: Gadreel and Sam should be in the story, Dean and Castiel are preferred too, but don't need to be included, either way any characters can be included/excluded, it's up to the author.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with their soulmates name on their wrist. Sam always had gibberish on his skin, valid reason to feel even more broken, alone and like a freak. It's no surprise that when years later he learned that it's enochian and actually a name, that he never stopped being overjoyed and hoping to meet the other half of his soul.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Sensorium
Rating of Art: gen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Destiel please
Characters: left: Castiel, Right: Dean
Warnings: -
Short description of art: Giant Alien C.A.S. (Celestial Alien Species) captured in a tank and a Dean Winchester in a hazmat suit is approaching him
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes

Title: Your presence (is haunting me)
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sadreel (Sam/Gadreel)
Characters: Gadreel and Sam, should be in the story, of course. Dean and Cas are fine too, no need to exclude them if the author wants to add them.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Sam always thought that no one would ever understand how it felt to be possessed by Gadreel. How he had felt to be precise. Because it wasn’t bad, far from it, he couldn’t remember a time in his life when he had ever felt so safe and happy as when Gadreel was there with him without even knowing it. He wanted that back. Not being possessed by Gadreel again, no, he figured that Gadreel's presence himself gave him these feelings. So he wanted him, Gadreel, back. Wanted him close. He dreamed of it. Sometimes he could even pretend to still feel him like a ghostly presence around him and that made him feel better. Often Sam questioned just how stupid he was to be in love with an angel long gone… or was he?
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No

Title: Hell's Angel
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Don't mind, but if pairing: Destiel/Samstiel
Characters: Castiel + Any
Warnings: N/A
Short description of art: Magic! Black eyes! Cas in a leather duster!
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: I was a teenage dirtbag
Rating of Art: GEN
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: MA (nothing if the characters are under 18)
Pairing or Gen: if pairing, deancas, saileen
Characters: Dean and any other canon characters
Warnings: none at this time, none forseen
Short description of art: Dean always saw himself as a freak or an outsider maybe even a little bit of a monster, everyone else sees him as a bad guy or not good enough, why try to fight it?
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: You can't and you know it.
Rating of Art: PG-13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: There are no limits!
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel
Characters: Dean and Castiel. You can add any character you want.
Warnings: Violence
Short description of art: I had the 40s in mind but you can choose any century you like. It's a cold, rainy night in a dark alley where Detective!Dean finally snaps after months of investigating Mafia Boss!Cas (or just a normal mafia member). He wants nothing more than to put this bastard behind bars but he never had enough evidence to do so. On top of that he feels drawn to him and that makes everything even more frustrating! Cas on the other hand enjoys their chase game and so he just giggles darkly when Detective!Dean threatens to kill him if he doesn't confess his crimes: "You son of a bitch! I KNOW it was you and now spill it or I fuckin' kill you!" "You can't just shoot me and you know it. You're detective Dean Winchester..The Righteous Man.." this is just an idea and you can change everything!
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes I will try my best!

Title: Witching hour
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: T
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas. Side pairings I enjoy are Sam/Eileen, and Charlie/Dorothy.
Characters: Depicts Castiel, Dean, and Sam. Please have equal focus on each of them. All other supernatural characters welcome. Also, if the author wants to, it would be nice if Sam had a dog familiar.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Witch!Sam reading a spell book, and Witch!Cas with a cat familiar. Dean isn't sure what he's gotten himself into. Can be canon!verse or an AU.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

.mod post: 2017, .mod post: art previews

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