Sep 01, 2014 14:22

It's Labor Day out here in the United States and many of us have the day off to celebrate the unofficial end of summer. This is also the time of the year when school begins again and we can reflect of all of the fun we had over the summer and bemoan the fact that it's all over until next year.

And what about Sam and Dean? What did they do over the summer or in summers past? What fun did they get up to while the weather was hot and school was out?

In the comments below, offer up as many prompts as you desire for fics or art depicting how Sam and Dean, or anyone else in the SPN universe spent their summer vacations. Maybe there is LARPing involved, summer camps, weenie-roasts ... whatever you want so long as your prompts are light-hearted, funny, or shmoopy in nature.
1. Please post only one prompt per comment.
2. When filling a prompt, reply to the original comment of the prompt with 'FILL: Title of Fic' in the subject line.
3. Please keep any spoilers for unaired episodes under a cut.
4. Keep prompts light-hearted. Please no heavy angst or hurt/comfort.
5. No real person fic ... fictional characters only, please.
6.Spread the word. Comment memes are the most fun when lots of people come out to play.

Pimp this on your journal! Just copy and paste the text in the box below:

http://spn-bigpretzel.livejournal.com/713570.html">summervacayhttp://ic.pics.livejournal.com/mamapranayama/16768482/51082/51082_original.jpg" title="summervacay" />

comment fic, mod post, meme, comment art