Endless Summer Comment Fic and Art Meme

May 26, 2013 19:10

It's Memorial Day weekend here in the United States and for many of us, the unofficial start of summer. For those of us that are obsessed with Supernatural however, summer started for us with the season finale and marked the beginning of hellatus; that dreaded season of waiting, and waiting, and waiting for new episodes. It may feel like October cannot come soon enough and summer will never end, but don't fret! That's why we're having an Endless Summer Comment Fic and Art Meme to help us get our Sam and Dean fix while the show is in re-runs.

You can participate by prompting ideas for fic or art in the comments here on just about anything your heart desires so long as your prompts keep within the spirit of SPN_Bigpretzel. Prompts can be for any pairing or rating and may contain humor, crack, parody, schmoop, fluff, and etc., but should avoid heavy angst, horror, hurt, or character bashing. Think 'feel good' for your prompts and you should be golden.

To play, all you need to do is follow a few simple rules:

1. Post only one prompt for either fic or art per comment.
2. When filling a prompt, please type 'filled' in the subject line.
3. Keep prompts and fills within the spirit of SPN_Bigpretzel.
4. No RPF or underage pairings.
5. Spoilers for anything that hasn't been aired need to be kept under a cut.
6. Prompts may be filled more than once.
7. Be nice, have fun, and spread the word!

Don't forget! If you don't see a prompt here that gets your typing fingers moving, there are plenty of plot bunnies still hopping around and waiting to be adopted at the Adopt a Plot Bunny - Free For All

HAPPY SUMMER EVERYBODY!!!!!If you wish to post this to your journal, just copy and paste from the box below:

http://spn-bigpretzel.livejournal.com/485008.html">SPNBPsummerhttp://ic.pics.livejournal.com/mamapranayama/16768482/49962/49962_original.jpg" title="SPNBPsummer" width="600" />

Prompt by: Auntmo9 A rare weekend away...and it rains the whole time. What to do, what to do? Filled by: ramblin_rosie : With a Happy Refrain and The Games People Play

Prompt by: tifaching A day in the sun turns Sam's skin a lovely golden brown. Dean...not so much. Give me some cranky, sunburned Dean and mocking/caring/sympathetic Sam, please! Filled by: mamapranayama : Dean Winchester: A.K.A. Larry the Lobster

Prompt by: mamapranayama Sam and Dean are cursed ... again.This time neither one of them can stand to have anything touch their skin, especially clothing. Naked and holed up in a motel room, they call on Bobby for help. Poor Bobby isn't sure where to look. Filled by: septembers_coda : A Blessing and a Curse
Prompt by: verucasalt123 Cas really wants to go to the beach, but Dean and Sam refuse until he learns to swim. Cue the Batcave's swimming pool and some lessons (can be slash between any of them or gen, doesn't matter). Filled by:  cuddyclothesDead in the Water

comment fic, hellatus, comment art

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