E-reader recommendation request and Day 2 of the tv meme

Aug 11, 2010 21:26

So, I want an e-reader primarily to read PDFs, or even better, html files downloaded from the interwebs. Yes, I'm looking at an e-reader primarily to deal with the ridiculous glut of unread fic sitting in my bookmarks. Anyone have suggestions on the best option?

Because, man, I am getting to old to read comfortably on my Touch.

30 Days of TV ( Read more... )

media_whore, consumerism, meme

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Comments 25

ultranos_fic August 12 2010, 01:46:48 UTC
I have heard from a very reliable source (an engineer and avid reader working on it) that the new Amazon Kindle3 has a nice web browser. She was able to read fic from FF.net off it.

But I don't know how you feel about Kindles.


splash_the_cat August 12 2010, 01:49:45 UTC
I've been eyeballing the new cheap ones, but I'm more likely to download the files and read offline. I can convert to PDF, but if there's a reader that supports html files, then my laziness would be pleased.


ultranos_fic August 12 2010, 04:18:56 UTC
*shrug* My source claims that the fic she was reading off ff.net worked great as long as she viewed it in mobile mode. It might be a YMMV thing, though. As it's not out yet, I can't tell you from personal experience how it works. :)


mrgeddylee August 12 2010, 01:47:26 UTC
For PDF and HTML, I'd go Ipad. I love my Kindle but content management would become a nuisance with fic. I would think you would want something that could browse well, and that rules out e-ink displays.


splash_the_cat August 12 2010, 01:52:02 UTC
Yeah, sadly iPad is well out of budget range for the near future, what with the looming daycare bills. But that's v. helpful info about the kindle and content management.


riffalike August 12 2010, 02:34:51 UTC
I have been coveting a Kindle DX (large screen) ever since Barb got hers, but mrgeddylee is right about content management. As far as I can tell, there's no such thing as a "folder."


splash_the_cat August 14 2010, 02:35:13 UTC
The large screen on the DX is tempting, but the small size of the new gen kindles is a huge draw, as I'm still having residual joint pain in my hands from the gluten days/pregnancy, and smaller and lighter is better.


ayiana August 12 2010, 01:54:44 UTC
I have a kindle, and I use it almost exclusively for fic. E-ink is amazing when it comes to readability. Combined with the Firefox Read-it-later extension and Calibre (freeware ebook manager), it's like, the awesomest thing ever. Not, you know, that I'm biased or anything.

If your main goal is readability, I'd go Kindle. If it's web browsing, I might suggest IPad, but I've heard rumors that there are glare issues with it. Plus, it's 10 hours (I think?) battery time, vs. 10 days to 2 weeks on the Kindle.


(The comment has been removed)

splash_the_cat August 14 2010, 02:37:07 UTC
I will be so sad if it doesn't get another season.


dendrophilous August 12 2010, 02:37:15 UTC
Was going to say iPad with Instapaper.

In lieu of an iPad...I don't know. Not one of the Sony readers, getting html files on it would be a pain.


splash_the_cat August 14 2010, 02:39:31 UTC
Someone commented above that she successfully uses her kindle for exactly what I want it for, so that's looking like the top option, with the good prices on the new ones.


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