
Oct 12, 2006 10:06

Whenever I drive along Highway I-69, I am always highly amused when I pass mile marker 69.  Before they raised the speed limit, I would sometimes slow down slightly to a speed of 69 mph.  Triple 69!  I wonder if I am utterly alone in this humorous observation...


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Comments 8

tv_elf October 12 2006, 15:17:53 UTC
Snerk. Nope. Not alone.


mudstang94 October 12 2006, 15:20:26 UTC
Most of my excursion on I-69 ended at exit 41, but next time I head to Toledo, I am sure I will remember this post and have a chuckle.


Next time to Toledo spk1121 October 14 2006, 14:03:15 UTC
Ha! Glad I could associate myself with "69 on 69" in your head from now on. :P


leftyviolist October 12 2006, 20:10:38 UTC
You are not alone in your observation.

I drive a portion of 69 almost every day. *hee*


living_in_books October 13 2006, 23:06:14 UTC
I tried to get out of a speeding ticket once by saying that I thought the marker for I-63 was actually a speed limit sign (the speed limit was actually 50 and I was going 70). It didn't work, but flirting did.




I-63 Flirtation spk1121 October 14 2006, 14:04:54 UTC
Somehow, I don't think flirting would work for me. I think it would actually get me arrested in most cases! Ladies certainly have an advantage over guys in that kind of situation. Way to avoid ticket! *high five*


sarah_mae13 October 14 2006, 07:45:23 UTC
If I drove on I-69, I would have the same thoughts :-)


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