Title: Orphans in New Guinea
Fandom: Pushing Daisies
Author: kawaiispinel
Feedback: ...Is loverly.
Word Count: 145
Rating: G
Prompt: 71. Obsession (Multifandom 100 Challenge)
Characters: Olive, Alfredo, mentions of Ned and Chuck
Pairings: Ned/Chuck, One-sided Olive/Ned, one-sided Alfredo/Olive
Summary: In which Olive just doesn't get it.
Disclaimer: It'
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Comments 2
Gah. So much love, honestly. *hugs*
Maybe Olive just needs a rousing musical number to make her see the light... With tap dancing! (Can Raul tap dance? Can they make him learn to tap dance just so we can see him tap dance? ...I'd settle for singing.)
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