[Translation] Popolo 04.2013 - Love Counseling

Mar 03, 2013 20:27

Popolo 04.2013 - Love Counseling
NEWS members help the readers to overcome their love troubles.

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members: all, translation: magazine, mags: popolo, news

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Comments 24

smilingmaram March 10 2013, 03:20:50 UTC
thank u jewels <3


mocoharuma March 11 2013, 23:56:16 UTC
T: I don't care about it at all. But of course I'd be suprised to see a girl tall as a model (lol).
S: I think the same but isn't it good if you're almost the same? Well, the only problem in this is when kissing.
T: Right! Being tall the same... (He tries many different inclinations of the neck)
S: For a boy it might be embarrassing to kiss looking up.
T: I prefer being a little taller. I'd mind a little if the girl is taller than me, but if we're the same there are no problems!
S: I think girls are way more sensitive about this than boys.
T: Anyway heigh doesn't mean a thing. If you like each other you'll be fine ♥
I guess so my mother is taller than my father hahaha
thanks for translating this article Giu chan. enjoyable!


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