Title: Verses Of The Same Song.
Pairing: Shunsui/Juushirou (varying POVs).
Rating: PG-13 overall.
Genres: Fluff, angst, h/c.
Length: Four pieces.
Point: Verses of the Same Song is my attempt in writing the same scene in four different 'verses. This is a collection of first kisses, each one in a different phase of Shunsui and Ukitake's lives. I've found that the older they become, the more intense their relationship gets, and the build-up reminded me the structure of a song (a really long one, mind you), hence the titles. Hope you'll have fun!
A/N: Dedicated to, written for, and is to blame:
ravens_rising 's existence. ♥
Intro - PG | 1,820 words | Academy-'verse
Chorus - PG | 1,800 words | Captain-'verse
Collision - PG-13 | 910 words | Broken-'verse
Coda - PG | 1,200 words | Present-'verse