This has been posted from the future to announce that this journal will become primarily Friends Only, save a few random posts with images, spam, non-sensical mutterings, and other things that probably don't interest you.
Finished the St Andre today and was very sad- I knew I should have let Tommy taste it, he took some! So then I took out the Camenbert, but really, it's not nearly as good. I'm sorry, Julia. We still have some Brie and Gouda, but it's just not the same. How am I going to fullfill my cravings? We haven't even got any chcoolate in the house. I looked
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Please comment with a fake memory of you and me together. This should be a tad more interesting then those usual "post a memory" trends. Most creative wins a cookie. And please, don't let the fact we've never met prevent you from posting.
09/07 - The Kills @ Club Soda 09/17 - Ska Is Dead 3 @ Club Soda Planet Smashers, Mustard Plug, The Toasters, Flatliners, The Know How09/29 - Interpol @ Metropolis
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