Title: Luck is a Lady of Very Poor Repute
Fandom: Glee
Characters/Pairings: Rachel, Kurt, cameo by Finn
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (R for language), discussion of prostitution, some spoilers (up to Furt).
Wordcount: 3,000
A/N: This was intended as commentfic over at
Kurt and Rachel appreciation post. Many comments-worth of fic later...
Late at night in January 2025, Kurt gets a desperate call from someone he hasn't seen in a very long time. )
Comments 11
Honestly, though, I loved this. Your Kurt voice is fabulous and I like that Rachel isn't totally broken. Plus, I really enjoy your descriptors here. Rachel really is a stampede all on her own.
But thank you so very much, truly! I was a little worried about the description feeling awkward or unnecessary, so I'm quite relieved that it worked for you.
I definitely enjoyed it.
And :D.
(If you liked it, I do have some other Glee stuff lying around. /shameless self-promotion.)
I'll admit it hurt seeing Rachel so broken and I had to take short breaks while I was reading, but that should be taken as a complement to your writing skill.
I like the interaction with Kurt; I'm interested in their friendship so it was great seeing a fic with them interacting like this.
I'm proud of Kurt; I always knew he'd be something one day.
I thought it was sweet in a sad way that she keeps tabs on the Glee kids.
I loved the ending; it was so Kurt-like and heartwarming.
Great fic.
As to the keeping-tabs thing, I was trying to communicate that while the other kids moved on and had other friends and started building lives, Rachel never really connected with anyone after that. So she clung to them as a substitute. (...I have this weird thing about torturing my favorite characters. Damn angstbunnies.)
Anyway, I am so glad that you liked it, and I'm glad that the ending seemed hopeful. I want Rachel and Kurt both to be something. (If you were wondering, Kurt's a fashion designer. I realized I didn't ever spell that out.)
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