[There's a gurgle and a loud splash, then the unmistakable sound of water churning rapidly. Maybe some dripping in between. Umi's startled voice comes from seemingly underwater, loud but still far away.]
---on't know what's happening... This-! ...
Everyone: stay away from the terrace, you hear me?? DON'T COME into the apartment if you ---
Read more... )
She still isn't used to experiencing the world through Celes' magical senses, but the waves soothe her remarkably. She's sitting on the shore, letting the tide rush against her large dragon body and enjoying how she can feel each of them grow, rise, then guess the exact moment when they'll break.
Perhaps this isn't too bad. She shakes her head and whistles loudly, a musical sound like nothing she's ever heard before.
It actually feels a bit like herself.]
[Umi has to laugh along, feeling suddenly a little awkward in regards of her god. Mokona's sure the sight to see.]
...Actually, you could meet him if you like. To talk about... god things! He's stuck here too.
What's a god doing here? He can't just leave? And, I'd like to talk to him!
[Umi deflates a bit, even her bright blue scales looking crestfallen.]
Because of that stupid barrier! Not even beings as powerful as Mokona ---uhm, that's his name, can actually get out on their own.
Not even a god....
We tried that once! I remember. A whole group of us. We tried to attack the barrier.
But we failed.
How long have you been stuck here?
Not long, this time. Apparently I've been gone for a year. I know I've come and gone about three or four times. But I can't seem to remember how long I was here before I left last time.
[She sighs -- a little haze comes out of her snout, cold as her breath is -- and lowers her head in thought.]
My best friend's been here for around three years now, almost. She told me about that tryst with the barrier. And how it brought... consequences.
[He's quiet for a bit.]
I knew some people that had been here for two years or longer, but they seem to have left, now. Supposedly there were people who had been here longer, but I didn't know them. Three years is a long time to be stuck in this place. How is she holding up?
[Umi shakes her head and lets out an exasperated sigh. Then smiles as sympathetic a grin as a dragon with razor-sharp teeth can smile, down at Setsuna.]
Lots of people have left, including most of Hikaru's old friends. It's pretty sad... She misses them a lot, I just know it. Even if she always keeps that stuff to herself.
[Gives Umi a soft smile in return. Until she mentions Hikaru, then he perks up and grins.]
Hikaru! If you mean the one with the red hair, she's my friend, too. At least, I hope there's only one Hikaru here, or I'll get really confused. She's the only one I know. I remember her from the first time I ended up here.
[Umi's mood improves considerably. She had no idea Hikaru really knew practically EVERYONE in The City back in the day! This makes her feel a bit more guilty for giving Setsuna a start, buy hey: that was an accident.]
...She's been here for the longest time. I hope she didn't end up cursed today or she might've wound up as a lion or something!
[Positively beams.]
Yeah. She has.... I should feel guilty to be so happy at finding her here again. It's not that I want her stuck in this place, but it was good to meet her again.
Um! Well, her last name has a "lion" thing on it... [Umi laughs sheepishly.] She may have ended up as a lion with a fiery mane if things went the same way they did for me.
Eh.... Name.
[Perks up.]
The name curse! I remember that one. Then your name has something to do with a dragon? I'm kinda glad it skipped over me this time. If it hadn't, this would have been an odd and pointless conversation.
[Umi tosses her head, sending a slight rain of salt water flying about from where a wave just splashed on her scaly flank. Her wings shiver a little.]
Looks like the only way around the whole thing is waiting here until everything goes back to normal...
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