I'm really mad.

May 31, 2011 17:55


The above is a link to a post on Oh No They Didn't. In it they talk about abusive relationships. They talk about Bella and Jake too. They are saying he is abusive. I don't believe that. He was just showing Bella that she was in love with him, and would rather her die then have her end up a vampire.

The talk ( Read more... )

why we like j/b more than e/b take 2740, idek what the hell to make of this shit

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audreyii_fic June 1 2011, 16:46:55 UTC
I have to admit that I felt really uncomfortable reading the second kiss and with Jake threatening with suicide and urging her on to kiss him whole heartily and not wanting to let her go...it left a bitter taste in my mouth (especially after reading it the second time)! Sure, she enjoyed it after wards and she realized her feelings for him but Jake forced himself on her. There is no denying it! You can argue that it was out of pure desperation (which it was) but it just felt really, really wrong!


That being said... it's actually an easier and more understanding wank than the first kiss. (Well, the first kiss IF you include the after conversation thereof.)

*coughs* *cracks knuckles*

You're an idiot. You're such a fucking idiot. You've believed all this time that you were making progress, that there was still a chance -- if not a chance for the two of you then at least a chance she wouldn't bleed herself dry for that leech, though let's be honest, those two problems are so tied together than they're now basically the same ( ... )


audreyii_fic June 1 2011, 16:47:03 UTC

It was a trick. It was all a fucking trick. Unless she really thinks this is enough? That letting you press your lips to hers while she stands there as unmoving as the statue she's planning to become (no doubt wishing you were him) is going to placate you?

She thinks you're going off to kill yourself. She thinks this kiss might stop that. And she won't even kiss you back.

Well, fuck this. She offered you a kiss -- a chance -- and you're going to take it.

You try harder, helping her fake it (this girl has made you sink so fucking low, but hell if you're already at the bottom you may as well break the shovel as you keep digging), and for a moment she responds. Your heart leaps -- and then, of course, she tries to pull away again.

That's how much your life is worth to her ( ... )


likexaxdove June 1 2011, 16:59:34 UTC
*puts on Rod Stewart voice*

Have I told you lately...that I love you...?


audreyii_fic June 1 2011, 17:01:44 UTC
LOL. *snorgles*

I was actually telling myself last night that I was *not* going to write this. But then I did. Apparently I am as self-destructive as the characters.


kerame June 1 2011, 17:27:33 UTC
It's definitely not the way Meyer intended that scene, but it's 100% canon-compliant, you can check the text.

I thought that was the way Meyer intended the scene. At least, that's the way it came across the first time I read it.

It seemed to me like he was desperate and half out of his mind. I know Edward called it manipulative and Jake sort of went along with that later, but Edward had every reason to spin it that way, and Jake had a habit of covering his feelings with bravado and his character wasn't cool enough to be manipulative, unlike Edward, who's shown disregarding Bella's feelings after promising to abide by them in the very next scene.


audreyii_fic June 1 2011, 17:50:50 UTC
That's the way it came across to me the first time I read it, too. But then, the whole series comes across in a way that seems to be clearly steering towards a non-vampiric ending... until it ends that way. So I don't trust that the way it reads is actually the way Meyer intended it (pretty much ever). I think Meyer intended it as pure manipulation, just like Edward says.


kerame June 1 2011, 18:58:21 UTC
I think she writes very much in the moment. She's pretty much just transcribing her daydreams and makes lame attempts to fit things together retroactively, but most of the time I think she's being sincere about what she feels in the moment in the particular scene.

The movies made it look like it was heading toward humanity, but not so much the books. There's a brief time in NM when Bella looks like she might be making a turn towards health and sanity, but even then it's clear that it would be settling for second best.

Meyer's disgust with physical imperfection and contempt for human love is the strongest theme of the series.


audreyii_fic June 8 2011, 19:26:48 UTC
I agree that she's sincere, just that she's also not a very reliable source for her own motivations. I think there *are* times she's lying about what she was thinking at the time (for instance she claims that she's "Team Human", something she definitely made up after she realized how badly a lot of her themes were recieved), but I also think there's times she gets tricked by her own subconscious. This woman is a fascinating trainwreck.


kerame June 8 2011, 21:21:54 UTC
Oh the justifications she makes outside the books are 100% inside-out bullshit lunacy. The forced kiss is one of the few times I think she was deliberately distorting while writing.

This woman is a fascinating trainwreck

The SOB motto :p


audreyii_fic June 1 2011, 17:53:54 UTC
I mean, hell, half the time it seems like she's writing things to diminish Edward's sexiness (the cold marble thing, having to wrap in a blanket to snuggle, etc.), or to show that he is, in fact, a pitcher plant. Yet it turns out that she intends Edward as the pinnacle of godhood.

I will never stop being confused by this woman.


kerame June 1 2011, 19:04:40 UTC
Edward's sexiness is as an object of beauty, and cold marble is perfect for that.

I really think Jacob is closer to Meyer's ideal of a lover, while Edward is the narcissistic projection of her perfect self.


audreyii_fic June 8 2011, 19:28:56 UTC
Really? I'm not so sure about that. I think Edward is the representation of her ideal lover, while Jacob is an amalgamation of the real men in her life whom she loves but don't satisfy her immature fantasies.


kerame June 8 2011, 21:08:42 UTC
I think Jacob started out and ended up as her indentured servant/whipping boy, but in between, when Bella is forced to develop an actual relationship with the character rather than using him purely as a device, it's something else. The description of her feelings during the second kiss is by far the most passionate and tactile response in the three books IMO (maybe it's different in BD ( ... )


audreyii_fic June 9 2011, 23:01:05 UTC

Meyer/Bella gets off on being desired through Edward and vampirism, but I think the one she wants in bed is Jacob.

You know, there's a sort of cognitive dissonance there that reminds me of a number of religious fundamentalists; clinging firmly to the idea of perfection and looking down on anything that doesn't meet it, while desperately desiring (and often giving into and then concealing) that which they claim to reject. Interesting.

I give this woman's psyche far more time than it deserves, but I still kinda feel like the rosetta stone is in there somewhere.


yokainomiko June 1 2011, 19:44:46 UTC
You are a goddess of words and it's a shame that so many of them are spent trying to fix Meyer and her craziness. Not that fanfiction is bad of course, it's just that I feel like spending all your time fixing the writing rather than writing it is really hard.

If Eclipse read like this I'd probably actually read it.


audreyii_fic June 8 2011, 19:31:44 UTC
*sigh* I know. But original fiction kicks my ass so fucking much. *snuggles into the comforting embrace of fandom*


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