Art - She's a Kindhearted Lady [SPN, Abbadean]

Sep 10, 2014 06:35

This was done for artpaperscissor and the alexisjane's prompt of "Traveling Riverside Blues."

When I read through the lyrics of the Zeppelin version of the song, my mind instantly went to Abbadon. So, here she is - in a AU where things went a bit differently - about to have some fun with Dean before taking him as her "ride."


Done in charcoal, chalk, pan pastel, and pastel pencil on Kona paper (It's awesome! It's made of recycled bags, and it's got a great tooth to it.)

I challenged myself to do this in one sitting because, aside from the deadline, I need to loosen the heck up when it comes to my artwork. I will fret and pick and dither and fuss and take weeks to get things done. So, I did this last night, with the only tweaks this morning being to blend two spots I'd missed last night.

Still, I'm kind of freaking out about posting something so rough, and I need to stop looking at it to find things I want to change, and arrrrgggghhhh.....

art, supernatural

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