bringing sexy back

Mar 05, 2014 01:57

Because this was the best meme ever and also I have so many glorious new fandoms (Ben January! Sleepy Hollow! Seirei no Moribito! bits of Teen Wolf apparently, god help me. and lots more) , and also because

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Comments 41

wordsofastory March 5 2014, 01:20:50 UTC

Okay, cutting it down to four, feel free to skip any if you like: Ben, Rose, Abbie, Jenny.


somebraveapollo March 5 2014, 01:24:09 UTC
four is excellent, I shall compose them on the morrow. <3


Jenny somebraveapollo March 6 2014, 22:17:47 UTC
1. When Jenny was nineteen, she fell in love with Adelaide, an heiress she was supposed to rob. Adelaide was a history student, green-eyed and kinky-haired, and she taught Jenny how to kiss and which ridiculous overpriced coffee to choose and how to gatecrash a houseparty without getting thrown out. Because it was her job, Jenny took the tacky-looking magically-crucial ancient artefact from the bedside table, and left without contacting Adelaide again. The thing was, she was pretty Adelaide would have forgiven her, would have given her the thing for free. But Jenny would never be able to be honest with her, and she had left before she'd had to lie ( ... )


Re: Jenny wordsofastory March 6 2014, 22:31:58 UTC
YES. YES. YES. To all of them. Oh, 1 hurts my heart but feels so right, and I just really adore 3.


lynndyre March 5 2014, 02:34:47 UTC
Tauriel and/or Gimli?


Gimli somebraveapollo March 7 2014, 16:44:27 UTC
1. Gimli was always drawn to dwarves who were not entirely respectable: lewd toymakers, money-lenders, travellers who carried rumours in exchange for a drink. It was not a huge surprise when he started sleeping with the people of Laketown - such arrangements were known to happen, and accepted with a silent gruffness. But Gimli was very fond of his lovers, the lean merchants and sharp-smiled hunters. At one point, a keen young smith accused him of giving out dwarvish secrets to men. But Glóin's reputation, and Gimli's own skill at brawling, quashed those rumours very quickly ( ... )


Re: Gimli wordsofastory March 7 2014, 21:00:36 UTC
Oh, this is absolutely lovely. I can't pick a favorite, because they're all perfect.


Re: Gimli somebraveapollo March 9 2014, 10:47:51 UTC
Thanks so much, dude, you're the best.


egelantier March 5 2014, 06:52:25 UTC
yeeehaw! so, okay, alan-stiles-shuga-psmith, take your pick ♥


egelantier March 5 2014, 06:53:05 UTC
oh noes, and hiromasa, of course. mwahaha.


Hiromasa somebraveapollo March 19 2014, 02:24:12 UTC
(I was gonnna watch the second movie before I responded, but who even knows when I will ever watch a thing again.) (it should be noted that 2 was initially aliens-made-them-do-bestiality) (because it is 3 am and I spent all day coughing over tests) (but happily I have some ethics) (the bestiality outtake is somewhere in my notes if you want it though ( ... )


Re: Hiromasa egelantier April 1 2014, 20:14:31 UTC
APPARENTLY LJ ATE THIS I'M SUCH RAGE VERY RAWR. you wrote me hiromasa! you wrote me hiromasa being as kind in his love life as he's in his everyday life, and just - making the world better by his mere existence.

AND silk bondage, which is the best thing ever and should be explored in depth because yes.

also, ♥♥♥


dhampyresa March 5 2014, 22:55:19 UTC
You're reading the Benjamin January books? How far along are you?

I'm gonna go with: Hannibal Sefton, Parker and Galadriel.


somebraveapollo March 6 2014, 20:59:13 UTC
Haaah, I am passionately into the Ben January books - honestly, they are probably my favourite book series at this point? - it is just that I suck and do not discuss them regularly and have not finished a single fic yet. Anyway, excellent characters, responses coming up!


dhampyresa March 6 2014, 23:29:41 UTC
They are so great, aren't they? You're writing fic! I'm so excited to read it/them. I haven't even started writing any yet. I've got ideas, but I'm a bit intimidated by the amount of research involved.


Galadriel somebraveapollo March 7 2014, 20:52:55 UTC
1. In the early days, in the West, her life was filled with laughter, and hunting, and easy lust. She had many friends she took to bed, men and women alike. But Fëanor's ugly lust had put a disgust in her, of passion of any kind, and for a long time after her exodus, she declined anyone's touch. (She still thinks of Melian, whom she had never touched except in courtesy, and who had never allowed herself to be consoled, and who had brought song to Galadriel's heart again.)

2. On some nights, she will allow Celeborn to comb her hair, and even after all the wars they'd fought together, he will fall to his knees in front of her.

3. There are things only Olórin can do, which leave her laughing like a little girl. He understands her more than anyone, had seen her build up her land and helped when he could. She isn't sure if their friendship can continue in Valinor, at least in the way it worked on Arda--- but she trusts it will work out for them.


arsenicjade March 9 2014, 22:51:24 UTC
I don't understand number three.


somebraveapollo March 11 2014, 23:20:16 UTC
I think the profit is supposed to come in the form of the mini-fics people produce in response to number two! Like possibly this meme could also work with just listing a couple of things about the chosen character's sexuality and fantasies (e.g.: Tony Stark: bi, bondage, zero-g sex) but I think that writing mini-drabbles is much more fun!

And anyway fics that are about a character's sexuality are kind of rare, aren't they? Like, there is plenty of shippy fic in the world (which is absolutely my favourite kind of fic!) but I haven't seen many examples of fic that is about a single character's sexual history / sexual desires / sexual orientation.


arsenicjade March 17 2014, 01:51:44 UTC
Ah, I see :-) Well, I feel like lgbtfest gets a lot of those out there, but yeah, I hear you.


somebraveapollo March 17 2014, 11:51:42 UTC
Hah, lgbtfest (apparently called queerfest this year!) has produced a lot of interesting fic. Buuuut, it very sensibly doesn't extend to kinks, and also, you know, I find the prompt-and-response format kind of weird to use in this case. Like, for me, I have a fairly sharp idea about the sexual life of every character I like and know well enough. So I don't think I could write someone else's ideas!


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