
Aug 10, 2009 09:03

Excerpts from “Floatopia: The Rise and Decline of a Libertarian Experiment” Published in NEWStream and syndicated to all ReutAssoc membersites (retrieved December 21 2012 @ 13:34).

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broken, architecture, fiction, speculation

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Comments 12

ringthebells August 10 2009, 14:42:42 UTC
I'm a bit confused by your tags! Is this fiction, or are you quoting an actual news story?


ringthebells August 10 2009, 14:53:14 UTC
Never mind, I followed the link at the top and saw that they're still looking for money to build the thing.


snowmit August 10 2009, 14:57:03 UTC
:) Yeah it's one of my favourite Utopian projects. It's been around since like 1998 I think. I remember reading about it in the basement of the Killam.


human_loser August 10 2009, 14:59:42 UTC
Why the hell have I never heard about this? CRAZY!


snowmit August 10 2009, 15:04:26 UTC
If you liked this, you'll love Sealand


human_loser August 10 2009, 15:07:30 UTC
I knew about Sealand. Pretty awesome. This Freedom Ship article you've excerpted from... It there aplace online I can read the whole thing?


snowmit August 10 2009, 15:22:01 UTC
I clearly need to do a better job of labelling (other than the fiction tag). There is no original article! Construction on the Freedom Ship never got started. This is me imagining if it had been, and a retrospective feature article that could have been written about it.


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