Title: Penholder
Fandom: Smallville
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Clark/Lana
Rating: PG
Word Count: 801
Spoilers: None really, but AU from the end of Season 7.
Warnings: Implied sex.
Summary: Clark writes his own destiny.
Disclaimer: Clark and Lana are not mine, and neither is Smallville.
Notes: Written for
faded_facade for
The Doomed Ship Comment Ficathon with the
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Comments 7
This is proof that Clana can be written in an enjoyable way. Smallville's writers just do it wrong.
I still feel sick at my stomach. Because I enjoyed a Clana fic. Is this normal?
BTW, this almost makes you-know-who want a you-know-what. AND THAT MAKES ME FEEL EVEN SICKER.
...sorry, that was a bad joke.
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