Snow White and sweet perfume

May 03, 2005 22:03

My life is meaningless.

I dont do anything.  I dont help anyone.

Sure i care about people.  And peole care about me.  But that and a box of kleenexes and you have yourself a funeral.

I'm not saying that life sux.  Because it doesnt.

Im just saying i have nothing that keeps me going from one day to the next.  Nothing that i wake up for.  Nothing ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

xxhellsxangelxx May 5 2005, 04:45:55 UTC
we all luff elliot.


jezebel_sweetie May 6 2005, 04:58:41 UTC
That's so not true! elliott you're like the one person who makes me feel better when i'm sad or down about myself and what's happened with my parents. i don't know who else i'd seek help from besides my sis but she's so far away. you're my shoulder that i rest my head on and i love you for that. and what keeps you going from one day to the next is god. (that may sound corny but it's true) i know you want to do something meaningful with your life and you will. it'll happen like it'll happen for me (someday) but it will. have a little faith. i love ya -dom


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