"Shakespeare was a Squib" (Draco, Hermione, PG, 100)

Feb 10, 2007 11:40

Title: "Shakespeare was a Squib"
Character(s): Draco, Hermione
Rating: PG
Warning: Spoilers for Shakespeare plays :-P
Challenge: Muggle Literature
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Set in the same universe as “Sensible Pureblood Practice.”

“But Shakespeare died in his forties!”

“Wizards die early if they contract diseases, Granger.”

“You’re basing this crazy theory on pure conjecture! Why are there no records of a Shakespeare family line then?”

Draco raised an eyebrow. “Obviously he was a Squib that adopted a false name to live among Muggles.”

Granger looked like she was about to tear out her hair.

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream-Amortentia. Romeo and Juliet-Draught of Living Death.” Draco looked smug. “Admit it, Granger-Shakespeare was a Squib.”

Granger never looked this upset when he called her a Mudblood. “This is not over, Malfoy.”

ETA 02/27/07: Continued in "Badges" (Draco, Pansy, PG, 100)

char: hermione, prompt: muggle lit, author: lilian_cho, char: draco

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