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Comments 29

gaspodia May 27 2010, 13:56:51 UTC
Thank you for sharing - it sounds like it was quite an ordeal to put your body through! Fingers crossed that you finish mending OK and that they caught it all.


brightglance May 27 2010, 14:03:58 UTC
It sounds like, while not the absolute best, towards the better end of the spectrum of outcomes. Hope things continue to improve.

I still intend to come and see you but am keeping driving at a minimum right now due to dodgy knee.


slovobooks May 27 2010, 15:21:16 UTC
It's coming along. Could be better, could be substantially worse.

Well, I'm not going anywhere...


irishkate May 27 2010, 14:05:03 UTC
I too hated the morphine pump and have been left with a desire to avoid any opium related products as much as possible.

This all seems so much...MORE...then I expected (I did no reading on the topic so I have no realistic expectations..) and well done for coming through it all. Here's to the rest of the recovery going as well as can be hoped.

Take it all easy and hugs to D. Fingers crossed there is nothing further to worry about.


bellinghwoman May 27 2010, 15:01:26 UTC
I agree, morphine is unpleasant (based on the one time I was subjected to it). Diamorphine* on the other hand, is wonderful stuff :-)

* Administered as pain relief in A&E when I completely dislocated an elbow


slovobooks May 27 2010, 15:19:26 UTC
I certainly can't see why people would take morphine of their own free will, let alone pay for the privilege.

Isn't Diamorphine just another name for Heroin?


irishkate May 27 2010, 15:47:26 UTC
I can't say they didn't give me that in A&E - they gave me something morphine based for severe pain and after 2 shots it still had no effect but they couldn't give me any more. No horrible side effects to that stuff but no pain relief either. So I wasn't impressed with the stuff.

I hated the morphine drip for its side effects though it did help with the pain after the operation.

Never want to go through that again.


coraline73 May 27 2010, 14:28:27 UTC
Wow. I hadn't realised quite how major it was. I'm glad you came through it well and are feeling so positive. I hope things continue to improve, and are back to the peak of health very soon.


ianmcdonald May 27 2010, 15:01:49 UTC
glad to hear it went well. Sounds lik a loda of laughs --can I uncross my legs now?


slovobooks May 27 2010, 15:20:15 UTC
It is all coming along, in the words of the saintly Gloria, one day at a time.


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