
May 15, 2006 11:46

Quick update.. bigger one with pictures coming later.

Exercising for this week:
MWF - WP 20 minutes, Si6 Ab routine 10 minutes
TTH -  Si6 - 25 minutes Start it up Routine - Calorie burner and squats

Mother's day morning was great.... Went to Lake Washington, got their early enough to rent a boat.. saw marsh life, herons, ducks, tutles, fish, lilpads ( Read more... )

exercise, mother's day

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Comments 10

gnotobiotically May 15 2006, 13:23:11 UTC
Wow... I wonder what caused the reaction? Banana leaves?
Did they put anything in their rice?


slave2three May 15 2006, 13:55:01 UTC
Hopefully I did this right.. but below is the picture of what I think did it. It's Wrapped in banana leaf, and then a ball of rice is cooked with some sauce. It also had some beef and mushrooms. What I *THINK* happened was that there must have been some fishtype stuff in the sauce.. maybe clam juice or something else i've never had and that's what I reacted to, since I dont eat anything fishy in general, I'm not sure. It sure didn't taste fishy.. but who knows :| That was the only thing I ate that I never had before.

... )


gnotobiotically May 15 2006, 18:46:17 UTC
Hmm... How much of it did you eat?

I breakout when I'm under a ot of stress. I've never gotten a stress-induced rash yet though.
I guess it's possible, but I'd point my finger at the rice.
Maybe ask them what all is in it next time you're there?

I know how frightening rashes can be though. I recently had one on the back of my hand that kept coming back. Turns out it was just from my sleeping on the floor and having it rub against the carpet.


slave2three May 15 2006, 18:54:37 UTC
I ate the whole thing, I thought it was quite tasty actually.. The sauce part was just on the outside of the rice.. if you bit into it, it was just plain white rice packed together.

Rug burn is never fun :(


asynjur May 15 2006, 14:55:15 UTC
It wasn't necessarily something you ate. Was the rash only on exposed skin? Could have been something in the air. If it was just your arms, I'd also suggestion something you put them into might be the problem (but unless you were dunking your face I can't explain the face part...) There are so many things you can be exposed to, allergens, chemicals, whatever, in a normal day. I don't walk barefoot on the beach anymore, because I once got a rash all over my feet, but I don't think everyone there did--there was just something I'm sensitive to in the sand.


slave2three May 15 2006, 15:00:12 UTC
hmmm.. I honestly dont know.. at first because I was just absent mindedly scratching at my arm, I thought I just scratched it to much. I've done that before, scratched till it looked bright red.. but this was all blotchy and up my arm where I didn't touch it, and was starting on the other arm. I was thinking maybe I did get into soemthing outside at the park, since they did have new grasses planted.. but I sat down on it, and had shorts on all day, and my legs were just fine at that point.. they looked slightly red, but that could have just been the sun, and they didn't itch. I really have no idea what it could be, and only blame the sticky rice only cause It was the only thing I've never had before.


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