THE BOARD GAME CHALLENGEThe PREMISE: You will write a fic that has something to do with a board game. Your characters could be playing Checkers. Your characters could be living on Illinois Avenue and taking a walk along the Boardwalk while trying to come up with a way to make rent for their landlord. Your characters could be sucked into Candyland. Your characters could be at a dinner party trying to figure out who killed the host. Someone could say, "Hey! Let's play Sorry!" and everyone else can yell "No!" Doesn't matter; go with anything.
HOW TO ENTER Comment this entry saying that you want to participate. I need it on record who is participating. If you have a specific board game in mind, comment with that, as well. If you don't specify, I will assume that you would like me to assign you a board game at random. PLEASE TAKE NOTE For the time being, board games are First Come, First Serve. If one person is already assigned to the game that you had hoped for, please be prepared to work with another.
All entries must be submitted by August 25th. That's six weeks from now; plenty of time to come up with something. The 26th will mark out voting week, and the voting will end and a winner will be announced on September 1st, which is when I get back from my vacation.
The pairing featured in the winning submission will be the pairing featured on the next community layout.
Entries must slash-related, and they must feature one of the twelve eligible Simple Plan pairings. The three pairings excluded from this are Pierre/Chuck, P/D, and MOTH.
The following is a list of the board games that you may choose from/that I will be randomly choosing from for you.
If there is a game that you would like to use that I do not have on the list, just comment with it and that'll be fine, so long as it's a board game.
I'll provide Wiki links just in case you don't know what your game is, and please take note that I am a board game FREAK, and I will be more than happy to help you out.
13 Dead End Drive
Candy Land //
omfgditaamyCheckers //
plasticxsweetsChess //
degeneration_xChinese Checkers
Chutes and Ladders //
Cranium //
untitledx89The Game of Life //
xchelsizzlexHear Me Out
Monopoly //
cashdogg827 --- > James Bond 007 Version
Mouse Trap //
brokenmotoristOuija //
wasted_rawkstarPictionary //
Scrabble //
__penetrationSorry! //
stereoseventeenTrivial Pursuit //
Now, we've never had a contest like this before, but I want to give it a try. I hope it all works out! Let me know what you think!
Viva la Plan!