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Comments 18

la_belle_laide July 20 2009, 00:53:44 UTC
OMG I'm so going to have to read the book again. I went into the theater literally thinking, "Is this the one where Sirius Black dies? Oh no wait, that was the last one. Is this where they all go on a hugely long camping trip for five chapters? Nope, that's the next. Oh, this is the one that's in two parts!" I seriously thought this was the two-parter. O_O

As the movie went on, I remembered more and more of the book, but I actually remembered very little about Dumbledore's death scene. Yeah, it so didn't ring true. I couldn't remember what happened in the book but I knew it wasn't like that.

And they skipped the entire emotional impact and the importance of Dumbledore's death. Wasn't there a whole huge funeral? Grieving, mourning, general wailing and beating of chests? Harry leaving Ginny ( ... )


skitty_kitty July 20 2009, 00:59:16 UTC
I never even saw the 5th movie, and I'm not sure I will. How sad is that?

And they skipped the entire emotional impact and the importance of Dumbledore's death. Wasn't there a whole huge funeral? Grieving, mourning, general wailing and beating of chests? Harry leaving Ginny?

Ah, I knew there was something else that I forgot. Also kind of big that they left out.

Yeah, my mom came with us kids and had no bloody clue what was going on, lol. I understand that, in a sense, but I can't stand when they completely fuck up a character. Boo!

Funny, and cosmically preordained! Even the sore ass cheeks. ;D


la_belle_laide July 20 2009, 01:04:17 UTC
I used to go and see these movies with my Gran, who was just about the biggest HP fangirl there was. So that's why I went to see this one by myself. I knew I'd get all teary when the opening theme started up. :)

My Mom read all the books but my Dad never did, and sometimes when I'd go to their house with various cousins etc. for movie nights, my Dad would be all, "Buh?"

My reply to your entry made me want to add a few more things to my own review so I'm going to edit to add. Mind if I link to your review too?


skitty_kitty July 20 2009, 01:05:40 UTC
No prob, I'll just unfriend it and there you go. :D


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skitty_kitty July 20 2009, 02:17:08 UTC
At this point I put nothing past them. ;p


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skitty_kitty July 20 2009, 02:34:53 UTC
I agree 1000% on Tom F., and I don't think it helped at all that the actor who played Ginny kinda sucks. A lot.

And I completely missed that nobody called Harry on almost killing a student! Oh man, for serious? Or the wand, I guess I for whatever reason assumed it'd still go there, they just cut the tomb scene out. Man, that'd suck so hard if McGonagall dies. She's my fave HP teacher. :(

Again, I say we reshoot our own HP ending with the real version of Snape's reaction! I'd love to recruit Mr Rickman. :D


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skitty_kitty July 20 2009, 02:54:40 UTC
Ugh, I forgot about the shoe-tying scene. I think I did that on purpose.

Well if they're really going for a two-part release for the last installment, they have NO EXCUSES. Let them act, for fuck's sake, and give Snape his awesomeness back!

(and i still hope you're wrong)


emptyvanity July 20 2009, 04:00:25 UTC
Completely agree with you on all points. I REALLY need to re-read the book.

Harry/Ginny's relationship was always WTF to me.
Luna's hat was one of the best things ever and the way we were introduced to said hat made me laugh.

Narcissa's hair was STUPID and WRONG and why is she old enough to be Draco's grandmother? WTF?

I love Helena Bonham-Carter, I really do. What I do not love is a) Bella's nasty teeth and b) how she's goofy insane. It ruins her for me in the movies...that is NOT how I pictured her at all reading the books.

Lovelovelove the burrow, and that scene also annoyed me.

Overall I haven't thought too much about it, I just tried to enjoy it. I haven't read that book in 4-ish years so I forgot a lot of the details.

Also, I forgot to bring your necklace home with me so it will ship on Tuesday, promise!


skitty_kitty July 20 2009, 21:26:24 UTC
Yes to Bella, too. I've always pictured her crazy like a rabid Doberman. HBC is a great actor, but I don't like her loopy interpretation of her. She reminds me of the Joker too much.

And nooooooo, not another whole day! Lol. ;D


eyots July 26 2009, 01:51:17 UTC
+1 for adorable awkwardness among all the characters, but -infinity for the ending. It was supposed to be Snape's glory moment where he had to make this big decision and it pained him and it was horrible, but he delivered it completely emotionless. Idk why because he is an amazing actor.

(this is bethany by the way, new username!)


skitty_kitty July 26 2009, 02:43:40 UTC
Yes, exactly that. So disappointing, especially because it's Alan fricking Rickman who could act out the telephone book to a standing ovation. Honestly, I've about given up on the movies in the sense of really liking the whole thing, as opposed to just a few bits and pieces.


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