
Jan 28, 2006 01:45

I drove and I drove and I drove. And when I got into the fog I didn't slow down, instead I sped up thinking God strike me down right now. Let my car hit a pot hole and wrap itself around a tree. Obliterate me. And almost as a little "fuck you" Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb comes on the radio. Thanks a lot God. Way to stick it to me. Why couldn't I ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

like_afox January 28 2006, 14:29:51 UTC
babe. 773 339 4586. i have free long distance. i love you so much. you know even though im a million miles away you can crash in chi town anytime. i miss you ♥


fairys_dust January 28 2006, 16:09:27 UTC
Vik, I don't even know what to say. I'm really sorry that this all happened, and I'm sorry that you hate living here. I really wish that you didn't hate living here because I love you living here, because without you I'd have probably Mark & like one friend. No one ever talks to me anymore either, and you have to realize that those girls have just changed a lot and not for the better. They are drunk 24/7 and think its okay for ALL of them to get with your Ex. Its not your fault, and you shouldn't want to die or move because of this. Next year will be so much better because we're both going to university and look at all of the new & better ppl that we'll meet.

I don't think that this is gods "FUCK YOU" to you, I just think its a learning lesson that the ppl you thought were your friends and that you could trust, you really can't. Its lower then low but you can't do a thing to change it, you just can't change people like them.

Don't think that you don't have anyone either because you have me. You can talk or phone me anytime. Love


_plainwhitet_ January 28 2006, 21:45:28 UTC
Viki I know that you don't believe me but I swear on my life I didn't make out with Shawn. I Mean it, it was a pec on the cheek. The same way that i did to BECKY when i saw her like i swear on my life I would never even think of doing that to do. and if you don't believe me you can ask Lyss cause she was with me all night. I just really dont want you to think that I did that and I know we aren't as close as we were a while ago but I really don't want to lose you over this because I swear to God it never happened. I didn't even know about danika or lindsay and i am so unbelievably sorry for taht because I would never have thought that either of them would do that. I know you probably will hate me anyway, and if you don't believe me then I can't force you to I just want you to know that i didnt and would never do that to you. VIki you mean way too much to me, and to soo many other people and I hate seeing you upset like this.


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