SG-1 FIC: The Love That Survives (1/1)

Dec 26, 2011 17:07

Title: The Love That Survives
Series: number three in 'The Sacrifices We Make'
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Summary: After escaping from the devastation of war, two men become one.
Rating: PG
Categories: AU, 1st person POV
Word Count: 577 words
Warnings: none.
Prompt: “War” for au-bingo (four down, one to go!)

Disclaimer: I got the speeches from somewhere that I can’t remember now - if anyone recognises them, let me know so I can credit them properly. I did change them slightly to fit the characters but not a lot. I have a feeling they were in a book I read a few years ago but I don’t remember which one and I didn’t write it down!!  Oh, and I don't own these characters but I wish I did :) 
(edited: I found the source: "Time Raiders: The Avengers" by P.C.Cast.  Thank you for creating the lovely speeches!)

Notes: It took me a while but I finally figured out how to do the ‘War’ prompt, creating another story in a little series I did five years ago (I hope the mods think this fits!). If you’re interested in reading the others, please go to the link above.

12th century A.D., somewhere in Ireland

Love can make people do incredible things.

Love makes you want to do anything to please the other.

It can also make you travel across half a continent and over the sea to find a place away from war, a safe place to be with the one you love.

That is what has happened to us. After choosing to desert the army we served in, we have travelled across many countries and found our way to Eire. The people here are mainly peaceful, though there is unrest in parts because of the Normans and the Saxons, who seem to continually invade their lands. But it is better than the war we left.

My partner was a warrior, figuratively born with a sword in his hand. I was - am - a scholar, a profession not revered by those who do not appreciate the written word. Yet I served faithfully with him for several years so that I could be with him… until I could stand it no more.

He gave up that life for me. We spent many long months travelling to the French coast, avoiding both the major and minor conflicts that seemed to be everywhere, and then travelled by ship to England. From there, we made our way to the smaller island of Eire and there we have found a place where we can live in peace.

The community here is small but it is welcoming. The fact that we are two men worries no-one and we are treated as any other couple in the small village. And everyone has turned out to see us pledge our lives to each other.

It wasn’t until we reached the shores of Eire that my love mentioned his wish to become betrothed to me. I accepted immediately; how could I not, after all we have been through together? The battles we survived, the obstacles we faced in our journey - all have just reaffirmed our love.

My warrior is kneeling in front of me, his sword - unused for so many months now - held out in front of him as he makes his pledge.

“I do truly desire to handfast with thee. To show my intent, I present you with my blade. My heart, my love, accept my promise to thee. I pledge this sword, as I pledge my soul, ever to be in your service. Like this blade, you shall see my love be strong. Like this blade, you shall see my love be enduring. Accept it, love, for that which is mine shall also be yours.”

I smile at him, accepting his pledge and his sword. Now, it is my turn.

“I accept your pledge of love, just as I accept the pledge of your sword. You know what is in my heart and I know what is in yours. I ask in the name of our gods and those of this land that I will be yours. And I will stay with you in this land and share my life with yours forever.”

He stands, his brown eyes filled with love, and allows the local elder to bind his left hand to my right. He smiles at me as the ceremony is completed and our audience slowly heads towards the feast back in the main hall.

“I love you.”

“I love you too,” I reply. I know that whatever obstacles come our way, we will survive them.


the love that survives, stargate sg-1, au, au_bingo, fic, jack/daniel

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