Glee Fic: A Mother's Touch: Never Been Kissed (1/1)

Dec 21, 2011 17:10

Title: A Mother's Touch: Never Been Kissed
Summary: Elizabeth Hummel knows something is up with her son so she asks him.
Fandom: Glee
Characters: Kurt, Elizabeth Hummel, mentions of others; pre-Kurt/Blaine
Rating: PG
Spoilers: anything up to 2x06
Category: AU, vignette, Hurt/Comfort
Word count: approx. 704
Prompt: ‘Alternate History: Canon historical event changed’ for au_bingo card - Kurt's mother is alive

Notes: I really have no idea what to call this story so if anyone has any ideas, please tell me!!!
(edited 23/12/2011 - got a title now!!  Thank you to nicky1388 who inspired the title!)

Elizabeth Hummel was surprised when her son Kurt went straight down to his room after school. Normally, he would greet her and tell her about his day so Elizabeth knew that something was wrong..

Something worse than usual, that was. Kurt never said anything but Elizabeth had her suspicions that her boy would be a target for bullies; all the evidence she had seen so far was a change of clothes between morning and afternoon. So what had happened today?

She followed Kurt to his room and surprisingly found the door open. Elizabeth descended the stairs into the basement bedroom and discovered Kurt curled up on his bed. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” came the reply. Kurt’s voice sounded thicker than usual so Elizabeth guessed he was holding back tears.

She sat on the bed and put a hand on his back. Kurt flinched. “That’s not nothing,” Elizabeth commented softly. “What happened?”

“I just got pushed into the lockers again,” Kurt stated, unable to look his mother in the eye. “No big deal.”

“It clearly is a big deal if you’re this upset about it,” Elizabeth pointed out. She reached out and caressed his arm. “And if you’re being hurt, that matters, Kurt.”

There was silence for a few seconds, then Kurt replied in a small, choked voice, “He kissed me.”

“What? Who?” Elizabeth was stunned, especially since it sounded like Kurt had hated it.

“One of the guys at school.” Kurt wouldn’t name names yet. “He’s been picking on me more this year, and when I confronted him today, he… he kissed me.” Tears started to fall.

“Oh, honey.” Elizabeth drew her son into a hug. She knew what Kurt thought about romance and kissing, and knew it was also her son’s first kiss. That was a terrible thing for a boy who thought holding hands was romantic. “I’m so sorry.”

As Kurt cried in her arms, Elizabeth thought about what to do next. She didn’t want the bully to get away with treating Kurt like that; an unwanted kiss was one step away from a more serious sexual assault. But if she took the matter to the principal, would anything be done? The school had done nothing to protect Kurt so far.

When the crying started to ease, Kurt drew back slightly and looked at his mother. “Don’t tell Dad.”

“Not yet,” she agreed. Burt was very protective of Kurt, which Elizabeth was happy about, but neither of them wanted the situation to escalate. “So what do you want to do?”

Kurt was quiet for a minute as he wiped his eyes and blew his nose. He hated Karofsky for stealing his first kiss with a boy but didn’t want to out him because of it. “I-I called Blaine - the boy I met at Dalton,” he clarified for his mother. “He’s coming to McKinley tomorrow to help me talk to Kar… the guy.”

“Okay.” Elizabeth knew about Kurt’s trip to Dalton - for which he was currently grounded. “And if that doesn’t work?” Which she didn’t think it would; the bully was deep in denial if he was bullying Kurt so badly.

“I don’t know.” Kurt was dreading going back to school but he didn’t see any other choices.

Elizabeth stroked her son’s hair (she was the only person allowed to do so). “If this bully says or does anything, you tell your father and I straight away. We’ll work out something, okay?”

Kurt nodded. He didn’t know what his parents could do but at least they would listen without judging him.

“Now, we need to plan an outfit for tomorrow,” Elizabeth said to help take Kurt’s mind off the day’s events. “I assume you’ll want to impress Blaine,” she teased lightly.

Kurt blushed at his mother’s accurate assessment. “He’s just a friend,” he tried to protest.

“For now,” Elizabeth agreed. She kissed the top of Kurt’s head. She had faith everything would work out eventually but until it did, she would provide Kurt with as much support and strength as was needed. And she needed to a little research; if Blaine ever became her son’s boyfriend, Kurt was going to need The Talk.

That would be interesting for both of them.

glee, a mother's touch, kurt, au_bingo, fic

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