Fic: Rumpelstiltskin (Riku; PG)

Sep 17, 2006 17:39

Riku angst! An exactly one hundred word drabble (which I've been wanting to try for a while)! More fairy tale references! ...Did I mention Riku angst?

Title: Rumpelstiltskin
Words: 100
Characters/Pairings: Riku
Rating: PG
Summary: Riku, the price of salvation, and the knowing of names.
Spoilers: Spoilers through the end of Kingdom Hearts 2.

He has been so careful, and so clever. )

length: drabble, genre: character piece, fandom: kingdom hearts, character: riku, rating: worksafe, genre: gen, [fic]

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Comments 14

theladygoddess September 18 2006, 00:56:15 UTC
This drabble is 100% beautiful. It's just stunning - the comparison and wording weave together perfectly. It's just like magic, and it fits his character so well. I'm adding this to my memories. ♥


sister_coyote September 18 2006, 04:59:49 UTC
Eee! *blush* Thank you; I'm glad you like it.


voodoobob September 18 2006, 02:06:22 UTC
... oh, eeeee.

That's just. ♥ Excellent comparison and reference. It's very fitting, and you did it very well.


sister_coyote September 18 2006, 05:01:09 UTC
Thank you! *glee*

I just love Riku. He's so... sad and earnest and trying so hard, and so mixed up.


voodoobob September 18 2006, 05:08:18 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

... it occurs to me you may enjoy the doomy KH1+ AU I'm planning out, then.


sister_coyote September 18 2006, 05:38:43 UTC
It wouldn't surprise me -- I've liked pretty much everything you've done thus far. :D


mimi_sardinia October 11 2006, 10:45:44 UTC
Oooooooh! Niiiiiiiiiiice!

I'm in ur journal, reading ur fics!


sister_coyote December 3 2006, 20:12:15 UTC
Thank you!

im in my journal, belatedly respondin' to commentz!


mimi_sardinia December 3 2006, 22:54:34 UTC


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