Fic: Another Round (Cloud/Tifa; PG)

Dec 04, 2006 17:05

Today was supposed to be a drabble, but I fail at short. I also fail at titles today, so don't be too surprised if the title on this one quietly changes at some point ( Read more... )

ensemble: avalanche, length: fic, genre: character piece, rating: worksafe, [fic], character: tifa lockhart, pairing: cloud strife/tifa lockhart, character: cloud strife, genre: m/f, fandom: final fantasy vii, genre: romance

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Comments 21

seito_no_senshi December 5 2006, 01:51:49 UTC
I love you. Please let me have your babies.


seito_no_senshi December 5 2006, 01:53:01 UTC
Ok, squealing down now. What I really love about this? What I really love about your writing in general? Is the characterization and the character interaction and the way you show things - it just says so much without being overly long and wordy and it's brilliant. <3


sister_coyote December 5 2006, 06:46:58 UTC
Thank you! :D I'm delighted the characterizations work for you -- I am so fond of these characters.


pyrasaur December 5 2006, 01:53:14 UTC
I do so love attention to little things. People show themselves in little gestures and routines and quirks, and this story's a heaped plate of that. I'm particularly fond of Yuffie and Red's hair accessory game, it's definitely something Yuffie'd do.


sister_coyote December 5 2006, 06:47:31 UTC
Thank you! I've been wanting to use that little idea for Yuffie for some time, and I'm really glad I got a chance with this story. XD


lassarina December 5 2006, 02:06:08 UTC
Awwww. This is adorable, and I like the way Tifa just understands the dynamics that are Cloud, and I love the Turks showing up just to irritate her :)


sister_coyote December 5 2006, 06:49:09 UTC
Thanks! I really like Tifa -- and I could just see Reno going to Seventh Heaven just to peeve her. ;)


voodoobob December 5 2006, 02:20:15 UTC
I. I have no words.

The routines and the little details and how IC it all is are just... yes. Tifa's reactions and emotions are brilliantly well written, I could feel her happiness over Cloud's arrival. And Cloud jumping the bar was terribly cute, and - and - EEEE. It is so gratifying to see Cloud and Tifa get to be functional and happy after their long uphill slog.

Love. ♥

I think it's time I got a better Cloud/Tifa icon than this.


sister_coyote December 5 2006, 06:52:01 UTC
*squee* Thank you. ♥ I just want so many good things for those two. They deserve it so much, and I like to think that after Advent Children they can finally begin to build something. And. Plus they make me wibble all over the place.

I totally need to get myself a Cloud/Tifa icon.


halfling_rogue March 3 2007, 23:57:18 UTC

laylah December 5 2006, 02:21:42 UTC
I am the good kind of crying right now.

This pairing makes me so smooshy and you've done such a wonderful job of showing how they're slowly, quietly, easing into a future that works out.

There's so much contentment in Cloud's (relatively small) role here -- not only what he says, but what he does, jumping the bar, taking the stairs like that. It underlines his words so well.

And I am so happy for Tifa. ♥


sister_coyote December 5 2006, 06:58:49 UTC
♥ I just... I want good things for those two so much, and I really like to think that after Advent Children they can gradually work things through and finally find each other. Sort of.

And Cloud, ee. I actually have such a hard time writing Cloud, so I'm glad his role here, though small, worked for you. :D


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