Today was supposed to be a drabble, but I fail at short. I also fail at titles today, so don't be too surprised if the title on this one quietly changes at some point
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Ok, squealing down now. What I really love about this? What I really love about your writing in general? Is the characterization and the character interaction and the way you show things - it just says so much without being overly long and wordy and it's brilliant. <3
I do so love attention to little things. People show themselves in little gestures and routines and quirks, and this story's a heaped plate of that. I'm particularly fond of Yuffie and Red's hair accessory game, it's definitely something Yuffie'd do.
The routines and the little details and how IC it all is are just... yes. Tifa's reactions and emotions are brilliantly well written, I could feel her happiness over Cloud's arrival. And Cloud jumping the bar was terribly cute, and - and - EEEE. It is so gratifying to see Cloud and Tifa get to be functional and happy after their long uphill slog.
Love. ♥
I think it's time I got a better Cloud/Tifa icon than this.
*squee* Thank you. ♥ I just want so many good things for those two. They deserve it so much, and I like to think that after Advent Children they can finally begin to build something. And. Plus they make me wibble all over the place.
This pairing makes me so smooshy and you've done such a wonderful job of showing how they're slowly, quietly, easing into a future that works out.
There's so much contentment in Cloud's (relatively small) role here -- not only what he says, but what he does, jumping the bar, taking the stairs like that. It underlines his words so well.
♥ I just... I want good things for those two so much, and I really like to think that after Advent Children they can gradually work things through and finally find each other. Sort of.
And Cloud, ee. I actually have such a hard time writing Cloud, so I'm glad his role here, though small, worked for you. :D
Comments 21
The routines and the little details and how IC it all is are just... yes. Tifa's reactions and emotions are brilliantly well written, I could feel her happiness over Cloud's arrival. And Cloud jumping the bar was terribly cute, and - and - EEEE. It is so gratifying to see Cloud and Tifa get to be functional and happy after their long uphill slog.
Love. ♥
I think it's time I got a better Cloud/Tifa icon than this.
I totally need to get myself a Cloud/Tifa icon.
This pairing makes me so smooshy and you've done such a wonderful job of showing how they're slowly, quietly, easing into a future that works out.
There's so much contentment in Cloud's (relatively small) role here -- not only what he says, but what he does, jumping the bar, taking the stairs like that. It underlines his words so well.
And I am so happy for Tifa. ♥
And Cloud, ee. I actually have such a hard time writing Cloud, so I'm glad his role here, though small, worked for you. :D
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