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1/2 lockandkeyblade September 17 2011, 04:42:47 UTC


2/2 [Video] lockandkeyblade September 17 2011, 04:45:25 UTC
[His ears burn from all the cursing.]

Ever thought about telling the joke... you know... without all the extra stuff in between?


text! narcotizes September 17 2011, 09:50:31 UTC
WhAt StUfF, bRoThEr?


Re: text! lockandkeyblade September 17 2011, 22:24:41 UTC
All the... swearing.


text! narcotizes September 18 2011, 11:23:02 UTC
NoT rEaLlY.
nEvEr, NoW tHaT i Up AnD tHiNk AbOuT iT.


lockandkeyblade September 18 2011, 21:55:56 UTC
And come to think about it, what's with all the purple. And the funny letters?


narcotizes September 19 2011, 12:30:05 UTC
AlL tHiS cOlOrEd ShIt I bE tYpInG aCrOsS tHe MoThErFuCkIn ScReEn?
BrOtHeR i JuSt Be TyPiNg WhAt FeElS aLl NaTuRaL :o)
typing all normal feels so motherfuckin weird . . .
JuSt DoEsN't MuSh ToGeThEr WiTh WhAt My HeArT Up AnD tElLs Me To Do.


lockandkeyblade September 19 2011, 19:34:24 UTC
So... your heart. Your heart tells you to type in colored text... And alternating capitals...?

[A blank face. It's not certain whether he's actually contemplating this or just not believing what he's hearing.]


narcotizes September 20 2011, 00:51:49 UTC
SuRe DoEs, MaN :o)
iTs WhAt FeEls ThE rIgHtEsT uP wHeRe ItS aT.


lockandkeyblade September 23 2011, 07:01:25 UTC
My heart doesn't tell me any of that stuff, but I know following it can really get you out of some tight spots.

[Sora can appreciate going with your heart! It's his thing, in fact.]

So what else does your heart tell you to do?

[Commence Operation-Learn-More-About-Trolls. These guys are pretty interesting. Even if he doesn't get their jokes.]


narcotizes September 23 2011, 20:24:41 UTC
Every motherfucker's heart be a lil' different, man.

[ he ponders this for a moment, looking up in thought. haha. in thought. ]

You gotta believe in what it tells you. In what you all feel is the best you all should be doing, you know? Like believing in your beliefs, brother. No matter what another motherfucker tells you.


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