[Scott is not all that good with computers. Before the screen turns on, he's been tapping holographic inputs for half an hour. Constant comments of "Damn" and "Nope, that's not it" and "Where's Eli when you need him?" abound. But now he's got his face up in recording, alas successful, looking a little better than when he first arrived in Sacrosanct
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Comments 46
If Stargate is a place from your world, it's not here. Or so they say. I've also been told that this place has a rift that pulls in everyone.
A rift, huh? That makes more sense than I wish. That means it's just sucking up anything left and right? Geez. You must have come...from a place that's totally different from here, right?
[Scott can find the elephant in the room, apparently!]
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