
May 04, 2005 17:13

saw Coldplay @ the Coachella Music Festival. Absolutely amazing. Amazing that all of the people I had thought I would share that moment with were nowhere in site, but yet I managed to share it with someone that possibly made it more enjoyable than if they were there.. Thank you!

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Comments 12

artemis_dykon May 6 2005, 23:27:57 UTC
I feel asleep during Coldplay. I was all medicated.

Thank you for letting us hang out last night. It was real fun (for me anyway). And the plant kicks ass.


singingsilence May 9 2005, 15:28:54 UTC
Hey, I'm glad you came over and had a good time at that. We should do it more often. And i'm glad you like the plant. I could've gotten you a huge plant that's already grown but theres no fun in that. Its cool to nurture it and watch it grow...okay i'm getting all green thumb on you now. Anyways you should call me if you ever feel like it. I think people definitely have this misconstrued idea about me...
take it easy. and water yr plant!


artemis_dykon May 9 2005, 16:48:26 UTC
I was joking about the chessboard. Don't be pissed. >:(


singingsilence May 9 2005, 17:36:18 UTC
i'm not pissed, i'm over it now. I suppose i don't know you well enough to know when you are joking.

no worries.


artemis_dykon May 9 2005, 16:12:09 UTC

... )


artemis_dykon May 12 2005, 02:13:08 UTC
okay now that i get this entry, all i have to say is: CUTE !!


singingsilence May 12 2005, 16:24:55 UTC
I very happy that you approve!


artemis_dykon May 12 2005, 19:52:31 UTC
I never would have guessed it but after witnessing it, i would say it makes total sense.

dude i feel like i should be bringing something on sat. what is needed?


singingsilence May 13 2005, 15:38:42 UTC
Hmm...you may bring whatever you feel is neccessary. It's not going to be a crazy party...just sort've a little kickback like last time but with a few more people. But definitely bring whatever you like. I picking up those sodas for you and a few other people.

GO Team Kassen!!


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