csi fic: mementos of the past (1/4)

Sep 03, 2007 19:47

SUMMARY: The world is ripe with memories but the world no longer spins on a familiar axis. In the end, what we discover is that memories of the past linger but they don’t return.
DISCLAIMER: CSI is property of CBS.
SPOILERS: Grave Danger

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fic: csi, sara/nick

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Comments 5

and_affection September 22 2007, 13:14:46 UTC
Nick's apathy and tiredness work well as symptoms of a larger problem, and I'll be interested to see how it develops and how he deals with it. I like the contrast that even he notices between his old self and the way he is now, and the fact that Sara, who's probably seen, if not felt, this same sort of thing, is catching on too.


simplytoopretty October 16 2007, 02:34:50 UTC
I'm like so behind when it comes to replying to anything of late. But I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I have more to post but I'm not sure about the story. I had this outline but the story just wouldn't cooperate.


heartagram_lala October 16 2007, 13:18:42 UTC
nice start. poor nicky =(

i hope sara can help him get through his grey patch and find the old fun nicky again

can't wait for more


simplytoopretty October 22 2007, 01:55:50 UTC
I think I must have been in an odd mood to write this. But something about Nick just seems to invite angst. Sara too.

Glad you enjoyed!


heartagram_lala October 22 2007, 10:11:53 UTC
yeah nick does invite angst, coz he's so cute and awesome, and its always like awwwwwww poor nicky when someone is mean to him, lol. and yeah, sara too =P

im loving it =D


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