D&J - The Great Untitled Prompt Project pt. 2

Apr 23, 2007 23:34

The Great Untitled Prompt Project pt. 2
drake & josh. drake/mindy. 1690 words. general to pg-13.

They were living double lives and it was exhausting. After every secret encounter, Mindy would whisper hotly in his ear, “This is it. We’re done.”

read part one here

mtfizz and I are on a roll! This is installment 2 of our Great Untitled Prompt Project. You can read hers right over here, where she has written her part for the pairing of Drake Bell/Shia Lebeouf. Yeah, a little odd but it's AMAZING. Especially if you are giant Drake & Shia fangirls like we are.


01. 80s music
She laughed herself silly watching him prance around the coffee table, occasionally wiggling his hips in time with the music. If the kids at school found out that Drake Parker, rock god extraordinaire, was the biggest Flock of Seagulls fan in San Diego, he’d never hear the end of it. Mindy just added it to the constant growing list of secrets they shared.

02. Processed
The thought had always been in there. But it had just kind of floated around inside Drake’s head, never sticking to anything substantial. Besides, it was never something to really consider anyway; she was with his brother and that should’ve been the end of that.

But they were separated now and old thoughts became ideas that were entirely more appealing than they should’ve been.

03. Hurt
Drake didn’t love her and that was okay. She didn’t love him either.

So why did it pain her inside to see him wrapped in other girls’ arms? It was a dull ache that settled in her chest even when the two of them were alone, away from the world, and sprawled out on her bed.

04. Blue
It was the first clean shirt Drake had grabbed in the morning and it wasn’t until he was halfway to school when he realized that it didn’t belong to him, that his laundry must’ve gotten mixed with Josh’s.

When he passed Mindy in the hallway and they shot each other sly glances, he also realized that maybe borrowing from his brother was becoming a bit of a habit.

05. Instant
His emotions flipped so fast that it made his head spin. They could be heatedly arguing over the differences of rock versus jazz music and she looked like she wanted to slap him; it was just as well because Drake wanted the same for her.

The next moment, they were tangled in each other and moving at pleasured lightning speed.

06. Counter
The rough edge dug into sensitive skin as he bent her backward, so that she was hovering over the clean surface. Their lips slid together in a dance and Mindy barely heard the smack Drake’s hand made when he desperately needed to use the counter for leverage.

07. Theatre
Mindy waited with Josh backstage, holding hands as they watched Drake finish his set in the filled theater. She had to pretend to be distant, pretend that she didn’t care how well he did.

She made her true feelings known to Drake a couple hours later when they locked themselves in the backseat of his car.

08. Key
He lets it dangle from the lanyard in front of her face and her eyes watch the shiny metal tick back and forth before his hand closes over it. Drake places it in her tiny palm and brings his mouth close to her ear.

“See you tonight.”

09. Picture
She had hidden it in the depths of her closet, beneath her shoe collection and next to an old science workbook from elementary school. It was just the right amount of evidence to prove to the world that Mindy and Drake didn’t exactly hate being in each other’s presence.

10. Fitted
Mindy stood on the wooden platform that held his bed and pulled her head through the neck hole of his bright orange t-shirt. It hung loosely over her thin frame, but it wasn’t grossly oversized. On Drake, the shirt had looked too tight; as though maybe hot water had shrunken the fabric so that it purposely hugged in all the right places a little too snugly. On Mindy, however, it was just a regular old t-shirt.

It was his pants that really surprised her. They too looked as though they’d been put through the same shrink inducing wash cycle as his t-shirts; she was amazed at how comfortable they felt, how they fit over her legs. The frayed waistband was a little too loose for comfort, but she shook her head at him as Drake stretched out underneath the brown geometric print comforter on his bed.

“Okay, do you see how well these fit? This is a little ridiculous.”

Drake laughed, extended a hand to her hip, and pulled her closer.

11. Coconut
“It’s Halloween Mindy. Shouldn’t you break out your wicked witch costume or something?”

“You keep making comments like that and somebody isn’t going to get lei’d.”

12. Camcorder
Megan loved her new present, a congratulations for making the honor roll gift from her parents. In her mind, she fashioned herself after Spielberg or Lucas and never left home without the tiny device. It was just too bad that nothing interesting ever happened around here.

Wait, hold that thought. Megan rewound the tape and moved up on the couch for closer inspection. She had been filming Josh at The Premiere, which amused her and annoyed him. But in the background, she saw Drake exit Theater 8 while raking a few fingers through mussed auburn hair and wiping the back of his hand over his lips. And then there it was, she saw it; Mindy exiting the same theater a few moments later, reapplying lip gloss.

The evil grin stayed plastered on her face as Megan bounded up the stairs, concocting wicked plans for her brother for oh, at least the next three months.

13. Dancing
It amazed her that he wanted this, a quiet moment between them. They had driven to their regular spot near the lake and Drake was the one that had stopped her when her hand had started to push up a fistful of his bright blue t-shirt.

He didn’t explain any of it; he merely just cranked up the car radio, brought her close to his chest, and used his hips to lead her in a rhythmic sway.

14. Brush
He lay breathless on top of her, relishing in the contact of warm, naked skin. With his head upon her shoulder, Mindy lazily twirled her fingers in the hair that flopped over his tired brown eyes. He fell asleep to the periodic brushes of her soft fingertips against his forehead.

15. Stay
He just couldn’t bring himself to say it.

16. Cartoon
Drake leaned over her, breathing lightly on her ear as Mindy scribbled out the process to the math equation she was working on. While checking the answer on her calculator, she didn’t notice that he’d grabbed a pencil and started doodling in the corner of the page.

When she did see the drawing, Mindy began to feign anger, but she ended up in giggles instead.

17. Paper
Mindy spent so much time helping him with his assignment that she ended up leaving her own to the wayside. Drake made it worth her while when he dragged her off to the janitor’s closet and proudly displayed the first B- he’d ever received.

It was a shame that his kisses couldn’t erase the red ink that had been scrawled over her project.

18. Have
They have each other and that’s enough. They don’t take the time to play mind games or work out their awkward teenage blues. She was his and he was hers and for their stolen moments in darkened shadows, that’s all that matters.

19. Slice
Drake’s back is raw with her nail scratches from the night before. She had cut him at his most vulnerable and now the scars were healing as he put his guard up - at least, until their next encounter.

20. Wait
She waited through class, waited through her Science Club meeting and his band practice, waited through dinner and homework time. She finally punched in his number in her cell phone after she had waited for all the lights to go off in her house. Mindy tapped her foot impatiently as she lingered around the window, hoping he would show up soon.

If she had to wait any longer, she just might have to get started without him.

21. Uptight
The public Mindy Drake knew was prissy, uppity, annoyed, and far too smart for her own good.

But privately, as his skilled fingers worked her tense back muscles, she was someone completely new to him; someone who could laugh at his jokes and melt like a puddle in his hands.

He knew that the public Mindy was to keep up appearances at school. But on more than one occasion, Drake wished she could laugh like this outside of his bedroom.

22. Shocked
How could they not see it, the way she could see Drake’s eyes linger over her? Mindy was surprised no one knew, that no one had figured it out. She had underestimated Drake’s secret keeping skills; even Josh hadn’t caught on yet.

23. Vacation
They were living double lives and it was exhausting. After every secret encounter, Mindy would whisper hotly in his ear, “This is it. We’re done.”

Somehow, the break never lasted as long as originally intentioned.

24. Golf
“No, no, you’re not gripping the handle right. Your thumbs need to point down, toward the ball.”

“Remind me again why we’re playing golf inside your bedroom?”

“Don’t question, just do it!” Drake exclaimed, pushing himself off from the desk where he was perched. He walked around behind where Mindy was standing near the coffee table and brought his arms around her, gently forming her hands around the rubber putter handle. “Here, like this. Now just swing back…yeah, that’s good keep your arm bent. Okay, now hit it!”

They watched as the tiny white golf ball sailed out the window and Mindy looked pretty proud of herself until they heard a familiar yelp.

“Oh my god, was that Josh?” Mindy asked in a whisper with panic crossing over her features. Drake’s eyes widened as they heard the front door open and feet begin to thump up the stairs.


25. Genuine
He’ll never forget the first authentic smile she ever gave him. The way her lips shined with berry gloss and curved to show the slightest hint of her teeth.

After months of secrets, whispers, lies and hideaways, Drake felt he was only beginning to crack the surface at the real Mindy Crenshaw.

fandom: drake & josh, projects: great untitled prompt project

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