Title: Interrogation Room 1
Fandom: SVU
Rating: PG
Characters: Elliot, Olivia & Cragen
Disclaimer: not mine
A/N: Written for the 'monster' challenge at
lawandorder100 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“You did it, didn’t you?” Olivia said as she leaned over the table. “You hated that she rejected you, so you stalked her, trapped her and did this!” Her voice got louder as she spread the crime scene photos out.
“We know all about you Dave,” Elliot said from behind, “What you did in Mississippi and Ohio, what your aunt did to you when you were a little boy.”
“We also spoke to Sarah in Michigan. Remember her? Because she remembers you. The monster you really are.” Olivia’s voice is calmer now, more dangerous.
“Detectives?” Cragen appears in the doorway.