ReverseBang artpost the Third!

Feb 13, 2015 04:10

Art Title: Pegawhat?
Prompt Number: S1066
Artist: sillie82

Fic Title: Unfurl Our Wings As We Fall
Author: locknkey
Fandom/Genre: SPN
Pairing(s): Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10364
Content: schmoop, case!fic, dometic!fic, fantasy, cuteness, Pegasi, animal abuse, frottage

Summary: When Sam and Dean take a case in the rainy wilds of Canada, what should be a simple case turns out to take every bit of patience they posess. To make things more complicated they are forced to face feelings long buried and denied.

Notes: My third artpost for spn_reversebang! Thanks to locknkey for claiming my prompt and writing a great story for it. It took a little time getting here, but we made it. *high fives*

(click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt

Second version of the prompt:
(click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt


(click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt

The pink one has crawled onto his lap three times and she - they all look to be female, but Sam pointed out they may not develop sex organs this early on - flashes wide eyes and makes a tiny mewing sound. On the fourth try Dean gives up and lets her settle between his crossed legs as he cards his fingers through her mane.


Extra Pictures:
(click to see bigger)



Artpost on Tumblr
Artpost on AO3

Comments are love. <3

sam winchester, supernatural, pictures, fanart: supernatural, fanart, crocheting, reversebang, dean winchester

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