[...so I joined a band...]

Apr 03, 2009 23:20

I needed to get in contact with a set of friends that respected me as a person, not just a pretty face and a good hand at cards. Less drinking, more doing. So when Jason said I could be in his "band" I giggled like a school girl and jumped up and down. I like my time with him, and he makes me feel like an integral part of whatever is happening ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

meus_ovatio April 4 2009, 08:22:04 UTC
I fail to see how being good at cards is any less of an appreciation of personality than being good at music. I doth protest your prejudice!


silentmachine April 4 2009, 16:14:43 UTC
It's not the music they're hanging out with me for. It's ME.


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