Title: Carpe Noctem Pairing/Group: Die/kyo, Die/Kyo/kaoru & Die/Kaoru Rating: NC17 Warnings: Yaoi, Angst, Bloodplay Summary: Die is sent on suicide watch for Kyo. Spending a night with the smaller man to hear what he has on his mind. But hears more then he ever thought he would. Notes N/A
Glad to hear that you like it despite the grammar errors :3 It was written quite some time ago but never posted it, and now never read it through for any mistakes, should have done that, they are all completely my bad. Also, my apologizies for a late reply, as I've been out of the country *bows*
Glad to hear that you liked it :) And even if there hasn't been any continuation written, I can speak for Kyo that he didn't do something stupid. Also, sorry for my late reply as I've been out of the country *bows*
Comments 6
It was written quite some time ago but never posted it, and now never read it through for any mistakes, should have done that, they are all completely my bad. Also, my apologizies for a late reply, as I've been out of the country *bows*
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And even if there hasn't been any continuation written, I can speak for Kyo that he didn't do something stupid.
Also, sorry for my late reply as I've been out of the country *bows*
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