All of my Jin's feel lonely. The loneliness, it drives them insane/makes me draw crack D8 In the form of Jin as a chocolate coated peanut. elanielyn is to blame, for telling me to colour the lines orz preview:
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Thank you very much ♥ I'm glad you like it~ It does look like that x3 Like maybe he was inside, then it fell and it split open and his head popped out like 'huh? D8' XD;
Thank youuu~ ;3; And your comment on elanielyn's comment about mameshiba, I've always preferred Jin as a mamegoma ;3; They're so round and cute and ♥♥♥ Although I guess this ruined that for me >>; Mame!Jin saying 'ne, shitteru~?' rather than just 'pu pu ♥' is kind of winning me over now.
mamegoma!Jin could.. like. Wear a sheep/bee/sailor outfit to make up for not being in food? 8D; lol trying to decide if if you unearthed a mame!Jin in your food, it'd be a mame!Hayato and threaten you or a mame!Miroku and bawl or a mame!Aki and just re-bury himself x3;
..I wonder if Jin has ever looked at a random cute product and thought maybe his fans would make some association XD;
Comments 59
Thnx for sharing such lovely drawing as the last thing for me to look at from this community for another couple of months or so~ ^^
...though maybe Junno should be the bean because he's KY enough to pull that off, LOL.
And your comment on elanielyn's comment about mameshiba, I've always preferred Jin as a mamegoma ;3; They're so round and cute and ♥♥♥ Although I guess this ruined that for me >>; Mame!Jin saying 'ne, shitteru~?' rather than just 'pu pu ♥' is kind of winning me over now.
...reading that back, that sounds really weird... >_>;;
..I wonder if Jin has ever looked at a random cute product and thought maybe his fans would make some association XD;
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