You failed Sir

Feb 13, 2010 23:35

Yes this is a fic journal, but I also try to draw 8D
So here's my Valentines present for Akame ♥ I'd say it's because I was too lazy to write, but this ended up taking alot longer than typing up a half-assed attempt at a fic orz
..yeah. Preview:

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Comments 88

elanielyn February 13 2010, 23:53:07 UTC
I kind of hate you for calling such a gorgeous drawing a "quickly scribble" ¬___¬


shuu_cream February 13 2010, 23:56:44 UTC
*pinches your icon's cheeks* lol it's true though XD it's all sketchy~ I like the idea though, I might do a proper version of it sometime X3


dungbrains February 13 2010, 23:56:10 UTC
Skilled people annoy me ................. because I envy & admire them so much ;__;

It's beautiful ♥ Happy Valentine's day :)


shuu_cream February 13 2010, 23:58:09 UTC
Thank you very much 83 Happy Valentines to you too ♥


hime_no_koi February 14 2010, 00:01:27 UTC
kya~ this is wonderful XD i love this~ thank you for sharing this^^
you must be work hard on this project^^


shuu_cream February 14 2010, 00:15:50 UTC
Thank you so much 8D It was quite alot of work, but if people like it then that makes it worth it X3


phoenix_zeal February 14 2010, 00:08:59 UTC
The mabushii part still makes me squeal like insane. XD Oh heck, the entire thing does. ♥

Your scribblings pwn my finished drawings. D:


shuu_cream February 14 2010, 00:17:20 UTC
I'm glad >.> I had that planned as the ending since the day I started it, but the more I thought about it the lamer it seemed XD; ♥

..crap, I just noticed I left the 'Jinny nomnoms' written on it XD; I need to not write on my scribbles ;;


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shuu_cream February 14 2010, 00:17:37 UTC
Thank you 8D I'm glad you like it~


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