Mary Anne round sign-ups

May 04, 2006 15:06

A winner is Mary Anne!

Sign-ups are now closed. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Please sign up by filling out this form in the comments.

LJ name:
Email address:

Girl you want paired with Mary Anne:
Two or three other elements you want in the story: [you can list a location, a time frame, a quote, another character - anything to prompt your writer]
No more than two elements you don't want in the story:
Rating preference:
Timeline preference: [Here's where you can say whether you'd prefer something with 12-13 year-old Mary Anne, high school Mary Anne, college-age Mary Anne, or you don't care. (Or anything else. Seven-year-old Mary Anne/Kristy innocently playing house, anyone?)]

No more than three characters you'd prefer to write with Mary Anne:
Other characters you could write with Mary Anne:
No more than three characters you won't write with Mary Anne:
Anything else you won't write:
Rating preference for writing:
Timeline preference for writing:

Hopefully I'll be able to give everyone her preferred characters and, if not, at least characters listed as "other characters you could write." I won't give anyone pairings or scenarios they can't write.

Fics will be due on Sunday May 21 (at which point I will be in Ohio with my girlfriend; take this moment to be terribly happy for me! *g*) - this will give you two weeks (by popular demand) to write your fic. There is a 500 word minimum. You may write more if you wish.

challenge: 03 - mary anne, !mod post, !sign ups

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