
Dec 12, 2004 18:51

You wanted pictures

halloween pictures )

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Comments 47

..skank.. thatroperdude December 12 2004, 18:44:49 UTC
is it just me or is the last picture "skank" the hottest? i mean yeah it does look the most seductive but it's also the sexiest pic ive seen of you.. What's the difference between seductive and sexy, i've always wondered that, i'll probly get a big discussion started outta this haha, hey everybody comment.. i wanna see it say "50 cold autumn nights"




Re: ..skank.. thatroperdude December 13 2004, 13:47:30 UTC
i don't know, i think that second one is pretty good too.
but only because it has lauren in it, of course. :0

~*“J€NNA“*~ <----doin' like back in the old days.


Re: ..skank.. shookie24 December 13 2004, 13:52:10 UTC
hahahah.. i fecking hate "MUH BESTEST FRAND"..ewe..suck it.
hahah! I LOVE YOU!

:+:=Läû®èñ §høõk¡€=:+:


Re: ..skank.. thatroperdude December 15 2004, 14:16:31 UTC
my god..those pictures remind me of how ugly i am!!!!!

that night was very fun (hanging out with my GOOD friends and not caring what other people thought..like some)..despite some -ahem-....BITCHES!..for lack of better word.


wow dude look at this --> oh wait not that just kidding..ooh. damn i dont remember what i was thinking


nessie102789 December 13 2004, 13:26:16 UTC
ahahahaha what was i on that night. bad pictures once more. THANKS FER NOTHIN YEW CHEAP WHORE. smooches. :DDDD
atleast that one of me and traci's asses arent on there. maybe they werent on yer camera...


nessie102789 December 13 2004, 13:29:06 UTC
!!! hshahahah on the first one i couldnt figure out what that red part was on me and those are my shorts. which dirty person at that party took teh picture! o.O


shookie24 December 13 2004, 13:53:19 UTC
its super hottness of you vanessa and, i'll put those on there..I JUST FOUND THEM..teehee<3 hot


shookie24 December 13 2004, 14:05:46 UTC
awe<3 can i be yr cheap whore? <333 muah muah..chorus was fun today
guacomole the penguin


tropicalpunch24 December 13 2004, 13:47:56 UTC
i looove you ShookaY!


shookie24 December 13 2004, 14:05:05 UTC
awe. i love you punchie..

..LIFE IS BUT A..DREAM [for thahhhh deaddd] haha


L.SHO! anonymous December 13 2004, 13:48:36 UTC
rawr.growl. whatever. same thing. oh your pictures are great and you look...b-e-a-utiful! =P anyyyways. i wanted to leave a post and tell you i love you my l.shookiecakes! mwah !<3 .ex.oh.


Re: L.SHO! shookie24 December 13 2004, 13:59:02 UTC
aweee baby, i love you..beautiful..ME..you mean YOU! hahah i love you super much hotcakes<3..MM YOU WANT MY BLUUEE EYESHADOW heheh..xooxoxoxo


Love Letter anonymous December 13 2004, 13:52:22 UTC
Dear Lauren,

I love you, and you are so extremely cool. I hope one day I can be just like you, because you are my roll model. You always treat others the way you would want to be treated, and if i do good things like you, then i will sleep well at night.

Jenna Kathryn Miller

P.S. I sort of stole that last part from a matress comercial, but that doesn't mean it doesn't come from my heart.


Re: Love Letter shookie24 December 13 2004, 13:57:08 UTC
im yr "ROLL" model..pft, fecking roller.haha..ROLE model you piece of shit best friend..hahah i love you<33


Re: Love Letter anonymous December 13 2004, 14:07:20 UTC
I make one error, and you jump on me and slit my throat, well excuse me Miss Smarty Pants. But let me just remind you of one thing "wilderbeast"? You can't even read a dictionary.

Haha. i love(or hate, i can't remember) you.


Re: Love Letter shookie24 December 13 2004, 14:09:35 UTC
hehe, im going to be an ENGLISH TEACHER for little girls like you..HAHAHA NOTTTTTT..ewe what a bad job fer me.


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