If You're Ever Gonna See a Rainbow - Ch. 2/2

Oct 13, 2009 17:01

Title: If you're ever gonna see a rainbow (you gotta stand a little rain)  
Chapter 2/2
Author: shirleyann66
Fandom: Jericho
Characters: Heather, Beck
Pairing: Heather/Beck
Genre: Fluffy Plotless Ficlet
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #24: a rainbow @ story_lottery
Spoilers: Nothing specific, but anything in both seasons is fair game.
Word Count: 220
Disclaimer: Jericho and everything associated with it is owned by CBS and whoever else owns it - not me (sadly). I have no claims or affiliations with any of the powers that be for this universe. This is strictly for fun, not profit, and the characters shall be returned relatively safely and mostly unharmed.

A/N1:  Although this seems like it should be taking place immediately after Sharp-Dressed Man - it's not.  It's completely stand-alone.  In fact, this is an ending in search of a story.  :(  If I hadn't written it for the story_lottery challenge, it would have stayed tucked in my notebook until "what came before", er, came to me.  As it is, well... *shrug*.  If anyone wants to play with this particular plot bunny - feel free.   :)

A/N2:  Title comes from the awesome Nitty Gritty Dirt Band song of the same name ("everybody wants love to be easy but it's never been that way").


They made love in the early dawn, half-asleep and relaxed, and like their first kiss, it was not how either of them had imagined it. Afterward, they slept tangled like puppies until Heather's alarm went off, calling them back to reality and the work of the day. As Beck and Heather left her house that morning, the air smelled of fresh rain and damp dirt. Beck paused for a moment to breath in the scent and to admire the brilliant rainbow arched across the sky.

The rainbow was a promise from God, his mother used to tell him, a promise that there would always be a future for humanity. After the Attacks, Beck had lost faith like so many other people. As he gazed at the rainbow, breathing in the scent of the rain and the smell of living things, he believed in the promise of this rainbow, just like he believed in the promise of the rain, of their kisses last night, of their lovemaking this morning.

He looked over at Heather. She gave him her bright, hopeful smile, and reached out and grasped his hand. He realized that this morning, at this moment, he truly believed the rainbow was telling the truth. There would be a future, and the woman beside him would be a part of it.

story lottery, if you're ever gonna see a rainbow

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