Title: O, Persephone!
Author/Artist: Cella [
Ship: Orihime/Grimmjow
Rating: Teen
General Summary: She becomes sister, mother, friend. They have her, and she doesn‘t mind anymore. ORIHIME. GRIMMJOW. Stockholm Syndrome, revised.
Warnings: Nothing…this is odd!
Spoilers: Lots of spoilers, up to 240, and then extremely AU.
Dedications: To
ardane1, because we are partners in crime with this. And to Grimmjow who is Orihime’s bitch.
A/N: Well, this is different. I had an idea the other day, regarding how Orihime would look, were she an Arrancar. I’ve drawn it, and decided it needed background. So here it is, the most AU-est AU, ever to be AU-ed. The beginnings of Ebil!Orihime. Everyone gasp. Please don’t take credit for my art, or I shall beat you bad. I'm finally happy with my art, and the colouring. Heavens bless.
O, Persephone!
Choke on guilt that's far too good for you
Say one word I'll laugh and bury you
And leave you in the place
Where you left me
Garbage, “As Heaven Is Wide”
Five weeks after her capture, she realises her friends are never coming to get her.
Aizen-sama is kind to her, strangely enough; he takes her out for walks through Hueco Mundo, he lets her have tea, and if he’s really benevolent, or looking to punish someone, he lets Orihime cook dinner for them all. It’s much like when she was living home, she thinks. Only, this time with more people around her, more children to take care of. Because that’s what the majority of the Arrancar there are, children still. And Orihime is like their mother, only she isn’t because that would make her Aizen-sama’s wife, and he treats her like a daughter. That’s also strange.
She had thought, from the books she’s read, that Aizen-sama would demand certain favours from her, aside from the usual power-control he desired so much. But it’s been five weeks, and she hasn’t been touched by the man. So then, in stead of being the mother of the Arrancar-children, she’s their older sister. She plays with Wonderwice, running around ’Las Noches’, trying to catch stray butterflies. There’s always another Arrancar in the distance, watching over them, taking care that Orihime doesn’t escape, but Orihime laughs with the sweet-child, her little brother, and hugs him to her chest when a butterfly dies, and he pouts.
Like a doting older sister, she sees to cooking for the rest of them, at least once a week, and slowly, she forgets she’s a prisoner. They don’t hurt her. They lay not a ill-meaning finger on her--no matter how much they want it--, because Aizen’s forbid it; he wants to win her over, not to force her. He pulls on her maternal instinct, and makes sure that Wonderwice is always around her. He takes her to witness a Birth, and she surprises them all when she kneels down to the naked Arrancar, and covers him with a blanket. They don’t hurt her, because she’s never done anything to make them need to hurt her. And so it goes, for five weeks. Playing with Wonderwice, having awkward tea parties with bored Arrancar. Playing ’Go’ with Ichimaru, Wonderwice combing her hair with his finger, while in a corner, ever-vigilant, Grimmjow is watching.
To be honest, Grimmjow is the only one who looks at her as something more. Ulquiorra, after having done his job, discards her, and pays her no mind. The rest of the Arrancar see her as a sister, and Aizen-sama treats her like a princess, a daughter. And Grimmjow confuses her. He changes moods as often as humans breathe. One day he’s angry at her for being a pesky human, another day he asks her for a second plate of food. One night he’s shouting at her, asking her why she isn’t fighting them, and the next night he’s leaning down, down, but never there. He never touches her, but oh, at times it looks like he wants it with ever fibre of his created-being. Orihime doesn’t know what to think of it, and Aizen-sama tells her that Arrancar know not of love, or lust, but that they are capable of experiencing it. They only need a person, and according to just about everyone, Grimmjow’s apparently found his person in Orihime. It scares her, it thrills her, it makes her blush under his stare, it makes her not be able to sleep at night, and he knows it.
Five weeks after her capture, Orihime is theirs. It’s so simple to appeal to the broken heart of a girl such as Orihime, and they know how to do it. They do it so well, that when Aizen tells her of becoming an Arrancar, more powerful, stronger; she smiles sadly, and nods.
The night before her transformation, Grimmjow kisses her. He does it for an hour, lips and mask trailing over her skin in an abstract work of art. He licks her neck, and bites her breast, and kisses her lips until they’re red, and raw, and bleeding; and she kisses him back. And before she enters the Hougyoku, she asks him if it’ll hurt: and he says it’ll be fine.
The Orihime that comes out that day, is different. She’s silent, and pale. She looks at them in wonder, and one hand comes up to touch the remains of her mask: bones, shaped like petals, just above her Shun Shun Rikka. She giggles slightly.
"How are you feeling?" Aizen asks.
Orihime stares at her hands--larger, longer fingers, fingernails (she never let her fingernails grow before) of an irridescent colour--, and smiles strangely at the palest of skin surrounding them. "New. Clean. Different," she answers honestly. Her voice is the same, Grimmjow realises. She looks almost the same, save for the fact that she's taller, paler and seemingly scaring the crap out of the other Arrancar.
"Congratulations, Orihime-chan," Aizen murmurs, and touches her cheek. Grimmjow surpresses a growl of envy, and Orihime's ears pick it up. "Is there anything you desire, my child?" Aizen asks. He wants to award his newest creation.
Orihime's eyes move on Grimmjow, and she grins much like a maniac. One pale hand is lifted, pointed in Grimmjow's direction. Naked and pale, and newly reborn, standing amongst Aizen and his followers, Orihime says, loud and clear: "I want him."
Aizen nods, and tells Grimmjow to find her something to dress in. what they do with the rest of the evening, is up to the two of them.
The next day, Orihime emerges from her room, clad in a kimono that only reaches her mid-thigh. Half and hour later, Grimmjow will exit the same room, awoken from his sleep by the sounds of battle. He will see his Orihime, his silent, precious princess, floating above the human intruders, her kimono loosely tied around her waist, her left sleeve slipping down her shoulder; revealing a hole, straight through the skin where her heart would’ve been. If we want Orihime-chan to be evil, we’d probably have to take her heart away, Aizen had said. And as her once-friends look up at her in wonder, Orihime summons her weapons, and looks down at them.
“Kurosaki-kun,” she says, “You’re late.”
Grimmjow grins, and joins the fight. Orihime is Arrancar, Espada, Hollow, Woman, and HIS.
Illustration for Arrancar!Orihime: