
Feb 22, 2006 01:36

i'm blaming this morning's exam grade on it.

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Comments 5

beehivegumby February 22 2006, 08:15:43 UTC
i don't understand that website.

also...please tell me that isn't your back with a tattoo on it. if so, when in the hell did you do that???


shannanegans February 22 2006, 14:19:46 UTC
dear buddha, no! it's one of those things you get @ the beach that lasts a few weeks- i made them put "Your Mom" in the middle :) the only thing permanent was the stain it left on the seat in the jeep during the ride home...NEVER get one of those on your back.


lil_brit12 February 22 2006, 15:42:05 UTC
Sparker!! How can we be twins when there is no black people music on those lists???


shannanegans February 22 2006, 16:45:29 UTC
i know- even my music BY black people is white-people-music. i went through my britness music phase about 8 years ago- the only remnants are on my playlists for the gym and for waking up in the morning...
don't give up on me though- kristin asked this weekend about a new reggaeton song- and i just happened to have it on my i-pod. close, right?

ok, maybe not, but that's why we work, my love- opposites attract ;)


sarahecapone March 3 2006, 20:09:37 UTC
Aw! Sparker, I love the Jayhawks! Except for some reason, my stupid CD player refuses to play any of their songs in their entirety.


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