Nightmares, uni, and getting a new phone

Nov 06, 2011 02:26

I just woke up after having the most horrible dream. I was at some event and someone stole all the cards in my wallet. I just woke up really distressed and just... why would my mind give me a dream like that ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

raincitygirl November 5 2011, 16:34:02 UTC
Your mum and stepdad splitting up, that's new, isn't it? Or new-ish? Congratulations! He always sounded like an absolute ASSHOLE, so I am pleased as punch. I daresay your mother feels differently, but I'm saying it to you, not her.

Yay for not freaking out when hte questions got really hard. That was something I always had big trouble with. Still have trouble with. The cases look awesome, too.


shadowserenity November 5 2011, 16:59:34 UTC
*hugs you for such a great comment*

I think I did mention that he left, which I suppose I'm treating the same as splitting up as in 'divorce over'. He left when he dumped Mum down with us after they escaped from Cyclone Yasi.

Now that a few months has gone by and Mum has a new partner that actually treats her right, she can see how poor the relationship with my step-father had gotten. I was actually talking with her about it today.

Thank you for the yay for my not freaking out! That is still such a HUGE thing for me. I went into that exam and I tried my best, so I must remember to be proud of that even if I don't get an awesome result. My grandmother reminds me that you can't be good at everything - especially when I happen to dislike the subject (I'm so not going into Property and helping people buy and sell houses!).

(I LOVE your icon, btw!)


raincitygirl November 5 2011, 19:47:03 UTC
The icon is pure sap, but I love it anyway.

Yay that your mum is starting to realize he was bad news.

So, when do you get the new phone?


shadowserenity November 7 2011, 11:54:12 UTC
You've got me loving it now, too :D.

I'm going to wait until my gel covers and screen protector has arrived because I don't want to use the phone and get it dirty etc.


dametokillfor November 5 2011, 23:06:43 UTC
RE: Xperia Arc. I have one myself and I absolutely love it. It's very easy to use, once you're connected to the wi-fi, which is easy as hell, GMail is a breeze to access. It's already got a pre-installed app for it as well (or at least mine did). The design as well - the slight curve in the back - means it's really comfortable to hold as well.


shadowserenity November 7 2011, 11:55:14 UTC
I'm very, very happy to read this comment :D.

I have a home wi-fi network, so I'm planning to connect the phone to that when I'm being lazy at home.


mortnme November 6 2011, 14:48:58 UTC
I hate having awful dreams. I always look up a dream online to find its meaning if it's bothered me or it's recurring, and that usually makes it go away.

Good luck with your exam, and I'm so jealous that you're off for 4 months!! Christmas is going to be great, I'm so glad that you get to spend it with your Mum.


shadowserenity November 7 2011, 11:56:45 UTC
I think I'm just worried about my money now that I actually have savings.

Hell, if I could, I'd be jealous of myself having holidays for four months! Guaranteed I'll be back on lj reading my flist in more detail, commenting, and writing frequent posts.

I will of course post all about Christmas with pics etc when the time comes :D.

Hope you're doing well, honey :).


mortnme November 7 2011, 13:46:50 UTC
Ah yes, that would make sense.

Can't wait to see you more active, and I can't wait to have time myself to do the same. I miss you!

I've been doing much better, thanks for thinking of me ♥


shadowserenity November 14 2011, 09:13:32 UTC
Back to being more active from now on :D.

*hugs you*


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