More Charles/Erik recs

Aug 21, 2011 21:54

Sorry, guys, have been a little out of it the past few days so have not yet caught up on replies. Will do so now :).

I had a phone interview for a one day a week paralegal job on Thursday, but was notified that I didn't get the position later that day. At least they didn't leave me hanging over the weekend, for which I'm grateful for.

I've discovered the beauty of stretchy hair clips. They really keep my curls under control. I'm going to buy more off ebay because right now I've 'stolen' my mother's hair clip and I think she'll eventually want it back ;).

Until I think of more to update with, have some more Charles/Erik recs!

. Progression Of A Family Portrait by Xris: this is a WIP with four chapters so far. I haven't seen it posted on lj yet, so either the author isn't here or is posting exclusively to AO3. Suffice to say, this is a lovely story about Charles where he thought nurturing his students would be enough for him for the rest of his life, until he finds a young mutant girl and they become family. No sign of Erik yet, but the tag does say Charles/Erik so expect him to arrive soon.

. We Met At The Park by starrose17: this is an immensely popular AU where Erik is a banker and Charles is a rent boy. The author is slowly revealing how Charles got into that situation. What I really love about this fic is the connection the author is establishing between Charles and Erik. It's addictive to read.

. You've Got to Lose Inhibition by anon: this is a WIP dom/sub AU where Charles is too scarred from his abusive childhood to ever trust a dominant and Erik is haunted by what was done to him by Shaw. They are both slowly coming together and exploring how their relationship is going to work. I love the descriptions of their time in the library where Erik strokes Charles' hand. You'll know the read when you read it and why I love it.

. And of course, there's chapter 4 and 5 of In Escrow by manic_intent. More great werewolf society building.

Hope you guys enjoy the recs :). There are a few other WIPs I'm watching, but I'm waiting to see how they go before reccing them. XM:FC fandom: MOAR FIC PLEASE :D.

[fic recs]: charles/erik

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