Sensitivities by cat_77 [Role Reversal Challenge]

Aug 13, 2008 11:05

Title: Sensitivities
Author: cat_77
Genre: Gen, bit of Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG
Length: ~1350 words
Summary: Allergic reactions suck.
Author’s Notes: For the sga_flashfic Role Reversal challenge
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, people with a lot of money do. I’m just borrowing them to play and making no profit from this.

Sensitivities )

author: cat_77, challenge: role reversal

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Comments 58

sp23 August 13 2008, 16:31:08 UTC
Oh, nice that you have Ronon be the one with the surprise allergy.

This was a really nice bit of team love.


cat_77 August 13 2008, 17:06:24 UTC
Thank you! I was debating having it be Sheppard, but thought it worked better with Ronon. Thanks for letting me know you liked it!


sydneyalicen August 13 2008, 16:33:54 UTC
HEE! ::tries to not smile to widely in class::

Great reversal!


cat_77 August 13 2008, 17:07:23 UTC
Thank you!


ladyflowdi August 13 2008, 16:39:09 UTC
This was wonderful! What a nice twist, it's almost always Rodney who has the allergy. Very nicely done, thank you for sharing this!


cat_77 August 13 2008, 17:08:57 UTC
Thank you very much! Glad you liked it!


leesa_perrie August 13 2008, 16:39:42 UTC
I enjoyed that - nice team interaction, especially between Ronon and Rodney. I love the way Ronon keeps the Power Bar but secretly plots to barter for choclate for Rodney. I also like Rodney's honesty about the symptoms especially about the hives and the itching!

Nice take on the challenge - and about time someone else got an allergic reaction for once!!


cat_77 August 13 2008, 17:14:12 UTC
Hee! Thanks! Poor Rodney always gets hit with it, doesn't he?


water_soter August 13 2008, 16:58:35 UTC
Wow, this is great! One my favs. Very interesting idea and good original use of the prompt. Nicely written. I enjoyed reading this story a lot. Thank you!


cat_77 August 13 2008, 17:17:42 UTC
Thank you very much! Very happy that you enjoyed it!


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