The Ice Queen by lavvyan (Fairy Tale Challenge)

May 26, 2008 19:29

Title: The Ice Queen
Author: lavvyan
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: John/Rodney
Word Count: ~ 9,200
Warnings: Canon character death (i.e. neither John nor Rodney in any permanent way)
Summary: The Ice Queen might be beautiful but her kisses were deadly, they said. Freezing soul and body alike, stealing warmth and breath and life; she might be beautiful, but she ( Read more... )

author: lavvyan, challenge: fairy tale, artist: berlinghoff79

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Comments 100

celli May 26 2008, 17:40:16 UTC
Oh, fascinating. I loved this.


lavvyan May 29 2008, 14:02:46 UTC
Thank you very much! :D


aesc May 26 2008, 17:55:07 UTC
Eeeeee!! *wriggles happily* I loved The Snow Queen, and I absolutely loved this. Poor Rodney! And thank goodness for John! ♥ ♥


lavvyan May 29 2008, 14:03:02 UTC
Heee, thank you! *glomps*


sgamadison May 26 2008, 18:08:52 UTC
My original comment seems to have vanished into the ether. I just wanted to say I love the Snow Queen story and you melded it to the SGA universe beautifully. The shattering of Holland was excruciatingly painful and perfect. Lovely story. Sigh.


lavvyan May 29 2008, 14:03:43 UTC
Aww, I hate it when the internets eat my opinion. *hugs*

Thank you very, very much for your comment, love! :)


skeddy_kat May 26 2008, 18:17:25 UTC
What a wonderful new look at an old classic. Poor Rodney, stuck there alone all that time. I'm glad John went back for him.


lavvyan May 29 2008, 14:04:33 UTC
Thank you very much! And yeah, I guess Rodney was lucky that John leaves no man behind. Because you know him going back had nothing at all to do with Rodney's sad blue eyes, nooooo.


xela_fic May 26 2008, 18:18:41 UTC
:) It's been ages since I've thought of that myth. You transposed it really well!


lavvyan May 29 2008, 14:05:03 UTC
Thank you! I used to love that story, though as a kid I found it kind of creepy. :)


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