Thanks for the Memories by liketheriver (not dead yet challenge)

Mar 09, 2008 08:35

Title: Thanks for the Memories
Author: liketheriver
Category: gen, missing scene, angst
Word Count: ~2,900
Rating: T 
Characters: Sheppard and McKay
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: since it's a missing scene for The Last Man, you can do the math.
A/N:  It seems like The Last Man has inspired quite a few entries in this challenge lately... here's one more because ( Read more... )

challenge: not dead yet, author: liketheriver

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Comments 66

spacedmonkey March 9 2008, 15:51:20 UTC
Oh yay! I had issues with The Last Man (my problems and I'll work on them, eventually, possibly) but this is wonderful. \o/


liketheriverrun March 9 2008, 18:00:52 UTC
You know, I had plenty of issues myself, mainly with the rushed feel and lack of emotions (the second being the result of the first IMHO), which is why I felt the need to write this missing scene. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks!


kodiak_bear March 9 2008, 15:55:55 UTC
Oh wonderful! Especially this line: But then his eyes drift to mine, past the dust and sand still coating my clothes and skin, and he sees what I’m really thanking him for.

I don't think he really had time to digest everything, but he was stuck, alone, on a dying planet, 48,000 years in the future with no food or water and no one else. *shiver*


liketheriverrun March 9 2008, 18:04:29 UTC
I really don't think he had much time either when he was in the future. I mean, bam! everything you knew and loved is gone... it would take a little time to wrap your brain around that. But I really wished they had just shown a little... something. Something more emotional because the only thing that came close was when Keller was dying. Everything else in the ep just felt like they were trying to get the facts out and not taking the time to show the impacts. But then again, that's what missing scenes are for. *G* Thanks so much! So happy you enjoyed it.


margec01 March 9 2008, 23:23:37 UTC
You are so correct--it's like they told the story from some outsider's point of view who would just recite the facts and little emotion was allowed to show. I don't blame Rodney (David) for that, per se, but it was all so many years ago in Rodney's past, he would have HAD to come to terms with it somewhat by then. And Sheppard (Joe) TRIED to show some of the impact--but really, it's just stories that Rodney is telling him, too. So, yes, there was no time for anything to really sink in.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the story, because we get to find out more of Sheppard's feelings. And Sheppard finally has time to take a breath and truly realize what Rodney did (would do) for him. Thank you for this view.


liketheriverrun March 10 2008, 01:01:25 UTC
Sometimes I think the writers forget that the angst doesn't come from the disasters that befall the characters but from the impact those disasters have on those around the victims. As much as I hated what they did in Sunday, they really did an amazing job of *showing* the impacts and they never gave the characters a chance in this ep, which is a shame. But I'm so happy you enjoyed the fic and hopefully it showed a little bit of what we missed in the ep. Thanks!


from_the_corner March 9 2008, 16:07:05 UTC
Oh, yes! Fantastic...

BTW - for me, you're the only one who can pull off first-person voices for John and Rodney. And they are perfect.


liketheriverrun March 9 2008, 18:05:32 UTC
Aww, thanks so very much! I go back and forth with the firt and third person, but sometimes it just fits, like this time. So happy you enjoyed the fic.


sp23 March 9 2008, 16:10:50 UTC
Lovely. Really lovely.


liketheriverrun March 9 2008, 18:06:01 UTC
Thanks so much!


khriskin March 9 2008, 16:19:07 UTC
This is just perfect! The Last Man was so horribly depressing and this tempers the memory into something much more acceptable. And I'll have to add another nod to the line: But then his eyes drift to mine..., it's beautifully phrased. Kudos! ^_^


liketheriverrun March 9 2008, 18:07:17 UTC
They really did need a little comfort with the hurt in this ep, which is why I couldn't resist writing this little missing scene. *G* Thanks so very much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it.


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